Chapter 33

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Chapter 33

Draco sat lazily in Potions a day and a half later, beside Violet since that was what they'd chosen at the beginning of the year. They were being civil, but not much past that.

She was wearing a different ring now, he noticed as she poured dragon's blood into their potion. It was cheap; a place holding ring. Just because he wouldn't abandon his mother and father. But now wasn't the time to think about that; she'd be able to tell and get even colder toward him.

"Next?" she asked, looking up at him. He looked away from her and down to the textbook.

"Let it alone for five minutes, then add three toenails of a freed house elf."

She nodded.

As they waited, he became curious and asked, "Have you heard from your brother?"

She glanced at him, surprised by the question. "Yes. He sent a letter to the school during break. I received it yesterday. He believed that I was being forced to write the letter, and ensured that only I could open his letter, and only when I was alone. He won't come to see me; he understands how dangerous that could be."

"Good." He nodded. For now she was safe. No one but them and Theresa knew about either of the letters.

She looked into the cauldron and spoke quietly. "Just move with me, Draco. I don't want to go without you."

"You'll go whether I do or not."

"Yes, but I would prefer to have you with me. I've been by your side through everything; can you not be on mine in this?"

"Let's not do this here." 

She let out a heavy breath. "Sorry. I know we shouldn't."

From that time forward in class, they didn't speak. They sat in different areas of the table at meals, and they didn't meet up after the day's schooling had been completed. Theresa split her time between them, although Draco was reluctant. But she was as stubborn as her counterpart, and she didn't give him a choice.

"Stupid Mudbloods," he hissed at a group of kids playing with their magic.

Immediately Theresa had punched him in the arm, and Goyle shoved her away. "What'd you think you're doing, halfblood?"

"Step aside, halfwit, unless you want to duel."

He sneered at her. Draco pushed his shoulder and he stepped back. "Don't hit me."

"Don't use that name."

"Why shouldn't I?" he challenged. She crossed her arms, not backing down.

"Because I'll tell Violet. You may not be agreeing right now, but I'll bet you don't want to make it any worse."

"You'd lose."

"Alright. I'll go tell her then. She's probably out in the courtyard..."

He watched her turn, testing his resolve. But he wasn't about to back down to her. "She's in the common room."

"Thank you." She turned on her heel and walked past him again. He caught her arm.

"I will ask once for your silence."

She smiled. "And I will ask once more for your controlled vocabulary."



That day, Violet had asked Theresa to keep Draco out until lights out, and to bring him back alone. She hadn't offered an explanation, but Theresa didn't need one. She'd find out what was going on soon enough, and Violet was already frazzled.

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