Chapter 30

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Chapter 30

Violet lay in bed awake all night. Draco was holding her close to him, his arms around her waist. She turned her head to see his face in the moonlight. Now he was calm, but she wondered how long that would last.

Relaxing her head back to the pillow, she looked out on the room. The bookshelves seemed empty; they'd been full the last time she was there. The light cast long shadows on the ground that would've frightened her three years ago, when she'd been safe at home, in Gryffindor, and didn't even know Draco beyond his tricks and mocking. She'd been a little girl.

She'd grown up a lot in those three years.

Violet stared at the shadows. They were more welcoming than anything else in her life, besides Draco and Vincent.

Vincent. She sighed and closed her eyes, but not out of exhaustion. He would be livid when he found out she was here. She didn't want him to be mad at her. She wanted to be with him, like she'd been over the summer after leaving Draco. They'd had such a good time, and she'd been able to get to know him so well. Truly, she did love him. She wished she could leave with Draco and just get away from Death Eaters and the Order; just be with the only people in the world that she loved.

But Draco couldn't leave. His mother was here, and he loved her. He wouldn't leave her like she wouldn't leave Vincent. His father was another story. She wasn't sure whether or not he loved his father. He took care of him, but that was different. That was an obligation.

Draco shifted and her mind snapped back to reality. She turned her head back again. His brow was creased only slightly. The beginning of a nightmare? she wondered. The corners of his lips turned down; he looked like he was in pain. She lifted her hand and brushed his cheek. "Draco, wake up. I'm alright."

His eyes opened and he blinked several times. "Why are you awake?" he asked. "Was I having another nightmare?"

"You may have. I didn't want it to turn into one." She smiled softly at him.

"Go to sleep, Vi."

She laid her head down and closed her eyes, and he closed his again. Within seconds he was asleep, and she opened her eyes. Tonight she wouldn't be able to get any sleep.

So when she realized that the room was getting lighter and she'd spent the whole night in deep thought, it didn't surprise her. It relieved her. Now Draco would wake up, and she could do something to take her mind off of the awful conclusion she'd reached.

An hour later he stirred, and she let him open his eyes before she stood and stretched. "I'm going for a shower."

He nodded drowsily and she stepped into the bathroom.

When he'd finally woken up enough to be considered awake, she was out and brushing her hair. "Good morning, Draco."

He leaned against the countertop and looked intently at her. She cocked a brow. "What?"

"Did you get any sleep? You look tired."

"Yes. Not much, but I did," she lied smoothly. He nodded. "Why don't you go see about breakfast, and I'll be down in twenty minutes."

"Alright. What would you like?"

She bought for a moment as she brushed the last of the tangles from her hair. "I would love an omelet. Ham, cheese, peppers."

He nodded and walked out. She dabbed on makeup to hide her pale skin and dark eyes that came from the lack of sleep. Looking at herself in the mirror, she sighed. Time to write the letter that would break her heart.

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