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"THEODORE!" Ginny roared.

An immense amount of giggling for a cupboard rang from the kitchen, and she stalked in. "If you think you'll get away with this just because your grandmother's out, you're wrong. Get out of the cupboard now!"

The twelve-year-old boy popped out and raced past Ginny and out the front door around his godfather. Harry laughed until he saw Ginny's face, and then he looked down. "What did you do?"

"We've got a family gathering in less than an hour, and your godson just completely destroyed the dining room, including all the food! Half of it's gone, though I don't know where–" she wagged a finger around his stomach, "and the other half's on the walls!"

"Teddy," Harry said sternly. The boy's blue hair turned chestnut brown, which always softened Harry up towards him for some reason, as it did now. "You're going to help her clean it up. Go on now. When the kids get here you can babysit instead."

"Daaaaaad," Teddy groaned, then slapped his hand over his mouth. "Sorry, Uncle Harry."

Harry smiled. "It's fine. I'd love to be your father."

Teddy followed Ginny back inside. Almost immediately after the door closed, he heard someone Apparate behind him and spun around. "Draco! Good to see you!"

Draco smiled and shook Harry's hand. Over the past six years since his and Violet's wedding, in which Harry was best man, since Draco didn't have anyone else, their relationship had gotten much better. When Mrs. Weasley found out how isolated the three of them were (Theresa included), she'd begun forcing them to all family events. Even now, after she had moved out and was seriously dating someone, Theresa still came.

"You too."

Violet smiled. "Hello, Harry."

"Hello. And how's little Scorpius doing today?" He grinned at the boy whose head was nestled into Violet's shoulder.

"He's decided he'll be shy today. Is Teddy around?"

"Helping Ginny clean up the kitchen after something happened to it."

She raised a brow. "Really?"

"I think he somehow got James in on it." Harry chuckled. His three kids, James Sirius, Albus Severus, and Lily Luna, were all well below eleven years. Scorpius was Albus's age, making them and Ron and Hermione's daughter Rose all four years old. They'd attend Hogwarts in the same year. The only person in their family who was Teddy's year was Victoire, Bill and Fleur's daughter.

"I see. So magic," Violet said. Harry nodded. "I'll go leave Scorpius with your kids and help Ginny then."

She gave Draco a kiss before walking away, almost walking straight into Ron and Hermione, who were side-along Apparating with Rose and Hugo, the latter of whom was Lily's age.

Almost immediately Rose picked up Hugo and started imitating Violet to the point of going inside the house and up the stairs to James's room. James was nine this year, and the oldest pardoning Teddy and Victoire, so when the older kids were preoccupied, he watched the younger ones.

"Hi, Aunt Vi!" James laughed. He loved saying that. "Hi, Aunt Vi!"

"Hi, James." She smiled at him. "Can you watch Scorpius for a bit? I'm gonna help your mum so Teddy can come up."

"Scorpius like a scorpion!" He saluted her. Whatever he was saying, it sounded like he was agreeing. Rose out Hugo down on James's bed and ran out to find Albus, who she'd probably drag into his brother's room.

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