Chapter 31

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Chapter 31

Violet read the letter and smiled. When Draco saw, he asked who the letter was from. A servant had delivered it to her, so they hadn't seen the owl.

"Theresa. She's moved out of her parents' house; she wants us to come visit as a housewarming."

"Us?" he quipped, his eyebrow shooting up. "As far as I'm aware, Theresa doesn't like me. Are you sure she doesn't mean Vincent?"

"Quite. She mentioned you by name."

"Then if we can catch a day without a meeting, I'd enjoy it." He honestly didn't care much for Theresa, but she was Violet's best friend, and he did want her to like him. It could mean the difference between a steady relationship and a rocky one for them. Already Violet had plenty of people whispering in her ear–or rather shouting in her face–that her current direction was wrong.

"Wonderful. Find a date and I'll write her back."

He turned, then paused and turned back around. "Theresa isn't in the Order of the Phoenix, is she?"

"No. Her parents never wanted to be involved in the war, and neither does she. I'm the only connection to any of this that she has."

He nodded and left, hearing Violet compose behind him. It had been a day since Draco had lost his wand to Potter in a duel. That had had terrible repercussions, especially since he couldn't defend himself. He glimpsed Violet's nimble fingers on the keys, recalling how they had been anything but tender the day before.

The free house elf had just left with Harry Potter and his friends–and Bellatrix's knife. Draco stared. He'd lost his wand.

"Infernal boy!" Bellatrix roared when she didn't see any damage done by the knife. "It was a duel! A simple duel! How could you have lost your wand? His attention was on the girl!"

He didn't quiver. He looked bored. Violet's jaw tightened, but she didn't move against Bellatrix yet.

"And in the process, you let Harry Potter get away! The Dark Lord will have your head on a platter!" Then she smiled. "But why bother him when I can do it myself?"

"Bellatrix!" Narcissa shouted as Lucius helped her off the ground in haste. But her sister paid her no heed.

"I'll have your head, boy! Losing Harry Potter and your wand and my sword!"

"You won't touch him," Violet said dangerously, adjusting the grip on her wand. Draco tried to get her to stand down, but she shook him off.

Bellatrix was affronted. "You dare speak to me? Loathsome little girl! You are barely recognized in the presence of the Dark Lord, much less I. Stand aside or I'll have your head too."

"No, you won't. Draco lost his wand, but how would the Dark Lord like to know that you flung a knife at Harry Potter, intending to kill him? He has specifically said time and time again that Harry Potter is his alone to harm and kill."

Her face paled so that it looked as if she were dead. "You would dare to threaten me?"

"As long as you dare to threaten me and your nephew."

Something like respect for Violet standing up for herself flickered into Bellatrix's eye, but it was gone in an instant. "You let a girl fight your battles," she sneered at Draco.

"Unless it's escaped your notice, you too are a girl, Bellatrix. Would you have anyone protecting you?"

"I am a servant of the Dark Lord, not a child such as yourself. Keep your tongue, and you will keep your head."

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