Chapter 26

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Chapter 26

When he remembered something, Draco pulled out of the kiss. "I have something for you."

"Do you now?" She smiled.

Pulling a box from his robes, he handed it to her and she tugged at the string tying it shut. It fell loose almost instantly. Draco's heart was beating quickly. How would she react to it?

When she flipped open the box, her free hand flew to her mouth. "It isn't what you think," he said, taking it from her. The sun glinted off the gem sitting in the ring. "It's a promise ring." He took it out of the box. "I promise I will protect you with my life, and when the time comes, if it comes, I'll ask you to marry me. You're free to give it back at any time; this isn't a binding agreement. Just a symbol to everyone else that you're mine."

Emotion overwhelmed her. She laughed as a tear left a frozen path down her face. "I can't believe I'm crying," she said, laughing more. "I have to take my glove off, don't I? Alright." In seconds her left hand was bare, and he gazed at her for a moment–did this mean she accepted it?–before sliding the ring onto her finger. It fit perfectly.

"It's gorgeous." She smiled brightly up at him. It was a silver band with a light purple gem in the center. Nothing fancy; nothing too expensive. He could only take so much money before his parents noticed. And he'd cut it so close to Christmas; when he bought it he'd been expecting her to forgive him by the beginning of December.

"You're welcome." He smiled and covered her exposed hand with his gloves, which didn't help much because they were so cold. She stuck her hand under his outer cloak on his side.

"Vincent is going to go mad when he finds out." She chuckled.

"Let him. I've dueled before."

"No dueling my brother. Not even if he starts it."

"Only for you."

The next day she sent the letter to him, expecting and even anticipating a howler in response. Nothing came back. For a week she watched the owls deliver mail, but nothing ever came.

New Years' Eve something showed up. Well, someone.

They were at breakfast, everyone groaning and moaning about how the holidays were nearly over; they only had a day left. Filch came in and started talking to Alecto, who turned to her brother, who stood up. Then Snape stopped Amycus and asked what was going on.

"Silence!" Snape shouted. The conversations became whispers; none of the students respected him like they had Dumbledore. Then Snape, Amycus, and Filch breezed out of the Great Hall.

Down at the front gate, Snape saw a face he hadn't seen since the old days, when he had just come out of school. "Vincent."

"Severus. I need to get in." Vincent looked mad with anger, and Snape weighed his choices. He was leaning toward saying no. "I need to talk to my sister."

Violet. Ah, one of two students who didn't get their mail checked.

"Keys, Filch," Snape said. The gate swung open and Vincent pounded up the hill. Snape kept pace with him. "You'll wait until she leaves the Great Hall. I do not want any disruptions."


So outside the doors Vincent sat and waited. And waited. Finally the doors opened and students began spilling out. He looked over every head. How would he find his sister in this mess? Then he saw a blond-white head, and a dark one beside it, and the glint of emeralds. There.

He was with her. Vincent saw him kiss her hair, smiling. His arm was around her shoulders. Anger blinded him and he ripped Draco off of Violet. "Vincent?" Violet yelped.

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