Chapter 22

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Chapter 22

July 23

Vincent had sent Violet several letters, mentioning in one that he had yet to be able to open the letter Draco had given him. Draco seemed slightly relieved by that.

They'd been at the Manor for two months now. Draco was seventeen, and using magic at any given opportunity. It slightly annoyed Violet, whose birthday had yet to come. Bellatrix had left the Manor two days after they had visited Vincent, and since then Violet had been sleeping in the guest room.

This morning she woke up to a rough shaking, and glared with half-closed lids at Draco. "What do you want?"

"We're going out today."


"You'll find out soon. Get up."

"Gimme a minute here."

He smiled. "We've got a full day ahead of us, Vi. You need to get up."

She groaned and peeled her eyes open. "What for."

He rolled his eyes and left. As she stood up and got ready for the day, she grumbled to herself. Then she actually woke up, and realized for what purpose they were going out.

It was her seventeenth birthday.

She could use magic now.

Violet grinned, grabbed her wand, and with a flourish cleaned up her room, put up her hair in an elaborate plait, and got out her clothes for the day, choosing a dark dress that fell mid-calf and shimmered the color of her eyes, and putting over it a black cloak, which was lined in Slytherin green and which bore her family broach.

"Ready," she said five minutes later, stepping into Draco's room. He looked up from a spell book and she allowed his eyes to roam across her body for a while. "Alright, alright. That's enough now. You got me up for something, didn't you?"

"Yes. Several things actually." He stood up, leaving the book behind, and took her  hand. "We have a very busy day ahead of us; I hope I've left enough time for you to enjoy all of it." He smiled.

"Time doesn't matter. We could live this day as many times as we want." She smiled, and he remembered the Time Turner hanging beneath her clothes.

"Very true." He smiled a bit. "Hang on tight." She frowned just as they Apparated, and shouted.


He laughed tightly. It wasn't light-hearted. In confusion Violet stared at him, but she couldn't see anything out of the ordinary. He noticed her gaze and smiled. "Can't quit staring at me?"

"Something like that..." Looking around, she frowned. "Where are we?"

"Paris." He led her forward into a small patisserie, where a woman in blue was wiping five counters at once with magic. Ah, so they would be paying with wizard currency. "Bonjour Mademoiselle."

She looked up and smiled. "Bienvenue! Comment puis-je vous aider?"

He held up two fingers. "Deux de vos pâtisseries les plus populaires."

"Bien sûr. Désirez-vous autre chose?"

Violet stared between them, blinking. Draco laughed. "Non c'est tout."

"Est-elle ta petite amie? Elle est très jolie." The woman looked at Violet now as she spoke, and gestured toward her. Draco grinned, and she began to pull out two pastries.

"Elle est. Je l'aime profondément." He kissed Violet's cheek.

"What are you saying about me?" she asked. He smiled.

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