Chapter 25

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Chapter 25

It was Christmas Day. Violet laid in bed quietly, waiting for the sound to die down. People everywhere were screaming and running around, especially the girls. Makeup from mum, money from dad, random assortments of things from boyfriends. It was a mess.

"Violet, Draco sent me up to tell you that he'll meet you in the Great Hall for breakfast," Theresa said. Violet sighed and sat up, propping herself up on one elbow.


She shrugged. "I dunno. He didn't say a time." She sat on her bed and began to look through the few gifts that she received. Violet was in the shower before Theresa could thank her for the emerald necklace.

An hour later Violet strode into the Great Hall not in her school robes but in the outfit she'd worn on her birthday. Multiple conversations among boys halted as they saw her walking up the row. She smirked. Yep. She still had power over them.

Draco had saved a spot for her, so she swung her legs around into the seat and smiled at him. "Good morning," she said.

"To you as well. You didn't come down this morning."

She grimaced. "I don't fancy being surrounded by noise."

"Suppose you wouldn't. Used to the quiet by now, staying with me then your brother." He looked up and frowned as owls soared in above their heads. "Didn't know we got mail on Christmas."

"Owls don't take holidays," she said.

Vincent's owl swooped down to them, and Violet expected it to land in front of her. But it didn't. It landed in front of Draco.

"That's not good," Violet said.

"What?" he asked, not recognizing the owl.

"That's Vincent's owl, Draco."

His face fell and he ripped open the letter. The farther he went, the more terror grew in his eyes until he dropped it. Violet grabbed it at once.

You dare to think you can say this to me? I finally got your bloody letter open, and you're telling me you love my little sister? How dare you! She cried for weeks because of you! Go near her again and I swear I'll come down there myself and rip you apart! She ignores all the awful things you've done for Merlin knows what reason, but I don't. You nearly killed three people last year–disarmed Dumbledore–gave him over to Voldemort! And you bloody think that this one letter will fix everything?! How ignorant are you! You don't deserve to have your father back; you don't deserve that wand–and you do not deserve my sister! I'll kill you the next time I see you! After what you've done to her–and you attached a letter for her that I can't sodding open! I swear, Malfoy, if you so much as breathe in her direction! Here's your stupid letter back!

Violet looked at the other page. It had been bothering her, not knowing what he'd written.

You don't want to hear from me. Too bad. This has to do with Violet, and I won't allow anything to hurt her safety.
A day will come when she will be forced to make a decision between the Order and Death Eaters. More personally, between you and I. I firmly believe that she has no set principles that would cause her to lean toward one side over the other. Her decision will be based only on us, and who she stands to gain the most from.
I will not lie. I love her. I will do whatever I must for her and her safety. If you're reading this, it means I've been unable to do that. I failed. She's in danger and I can't get her out of it. She needs your help. I'll stand back and let you do whatever you must. And yes, I realize that that means you will cut me from her life. But you must also understand that this is her decision, and if she chooses to stay with me although she is in danger, I will do nothing but fight to keep her safe. You can't force her to stay with you. I can't force her to go.
On the day you read this another letter will appear with it. One for Violet. Only she will be able to open and read it. Don't try.
I can no longer keep her safe. Do so now, otherwise she will die.
Draco Malfoy

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