Chapter 29

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Chapter 29

For the first time, Violet woke up before Draco. She was very comfortable; she was turned into his chest, his arms held her securely, and their legs were tangled together in a mess. She doubted she could get up if she wanted to.

The sun was barely up yet, so Violet closed her eyes and tried to get back to sleep. Draco's arms tightened considerably though, and she gasped in surprise. His hands dug into her back like talons; she leaned back enough to see his face. It was contorted in pain.

"Draco," she whispered, shaking him. "Draco."

His eyes flew open, and when they landed on Violet, he grabbed her even tighter, one hand coming up to cup the back of her head.

"Draco!" she said, pulling away to look him in the eye. "What's the matter?"

"Nightmare." He kissed her forehead and sighed. Violet realized that he looked quite a bit older than he was and resolved to try to fix that.

Later that afternoon, they heard a commotion in the front hall; neither stirred from their seat before the fire. "I'm expecting an owl from Vincent," Violet said, "by tomorrow at the latest. Kids return home for Easter holidays today."

He nodded. "Do you expect he'll know where you've gone?"

"I expect he will think I chose to stay at the school over coming home because I argued with him the last time I saw him."

There was a commotion; Snatchers were coming in. They had students with them. Violet showed no reaction, although she knew all of them. Ron, Hermione, and Harry. Harry looked strange though. Stinging spell?

Lucius, who had been sitting with them, rose. Draco followed him, standing slightly in front of Violet, who put her hand on his shoulder blade.

Hermione met Violet's eyes, and Violet looked away. There was betrayal in her friend's eyes.

"Well, Draco?" Narcissa asked. "Is it he? Is it Harry Potter?"

"I-I can't be sure."

"Come close, Draco," Lucius said. "This could be his scar, stretched tight."

"It might be."

Narcissa grabbed Hermione. "But then this would be the Mudblood–Hermione Granger! Is it she, Draco?"

"It could be."

"And the Weasley boy! What was his name–"

"It might be him."

Draco hesitated to confirm any identities, and the commotion caused Bellatrix to run in. "What's this, Cissy?" she asked.

They told her, and she pulled her sleeve back to call him. Draco threw his hand back to Violet's hip and pushed her behind him even more.

Lucius grabbed Bellatrix, desperate to be the one to call him. Just as he was about to touch his own Dark Mark, Bellatrix cried for everyone to stop. "We shall all perish if the Dark Lord comes now!"

Violet cringed. If Bellatrix was saying that, then it was true, and they had to keep him away.

"Stupefy! Stupefy!" she shouted, making the Snatchers drop. Then she looked at Greyback. Violet felt like her chest was being compressed on seeing him, but dared not show weakness. "Where did you get this sword?" he hissed to Greyback venomously.

"Was in the tent," he said. "Reckon that makes it mine."

She threw him down. "Draco, take them out back, and leave them for me if you haven't the guts to finish them off yourself."

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