Chapter 17

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Chapter 17

(Disclaimer: The scene in the Astronomy Tower is loosely copied from JK Rowling's The Half-Blood Prince; I by no means want to get credit. This is her genius.)

Three nights later.

"I don't care."

"You keep saying that! You keep saying that and it isn't helping at all!" Draco paced in his room. Crabbe and Goyle were standing guard outside, where they would remain through the attack to protect Violet. She had rolled her eyes, but having someone there, even two idiots like Crabbe and Goyle, made Draco feel better.

"What do you want me to say then?" Violet asked. Draco was still struggling with his choice. He loved his family too much to let them die, but to be labeled a murderer, to kill Dumbledore, for Violet to look at him and know that he had killed...he hadn't made a choice yet. And the attack was less than an hour off.

"Give me your opinion," he begged, stopping in front of her.

"Draco, you know my opinion. If there was any way for you not to be given that title, that label. That isn't something that would go away after a few months."

"I know. I know!" He backed away and ran his hands through his hair in torment. It looked like he'd had a rough night of sleep and just gotten up. "Merlin."

"Stop putting your hands in your hair. You don't want anyone to know you're upset, do you?" She combed it flat with her fingers. "There. Draco, I will not look down on you or leave you if you go through with this. You'll be saving your family's lives. Okay? Don't let me be a factor."

He shook his head slowly with a small smile. "No matter how many times you say that, you'll always be a factor."

The door opened. Violet pecked him on the lips. "You'll make the right decision for you. I know you will. You're smart and you have a good heart. I'll wait here for you."

He nodded and walked out, wand in hand. He stopped at Crabbe. "You'll die before anyone gets inside this room, understood?"

He nodded, and Draco strode off. The door shut. Time to go.

Violet pulled the Time Turner out of her robe and turned it twice. They'd been in his room for little over an hour, so two would be sufficient to get out before they arrived.

Time spun backward before her eyes. She watched as she walked backward away from Draco, sat on his bed, watched him pace backward, and then walked out backward. Then nothing. She opened the door; no one was there.

Out of the dormitory, up several sets of stairs to Dumbledore's office. "Headmaster–" that was Snape.

"Yes. Find the boy when it comes time. I'll be waiting, watching the stars. They're beautiful during the crescent moon." Astronomy Tower.

Violet followed him through the halls and up the staircase, always so far behind and so quietly that he couldn't have known he was being followed.

In the Astronomy Tower Violet sat in a dark corner and waited. Her long dark hair and black and emerald attire hid her well.

It was a long wait, but she was a patient person. She heard Draco come in and leaned out slightly. How should she show him she was here?

Ah hah. She smiled and flicked her wand, watching his hand rise to his cheek. A kiss. His eyes closed for a second, he took a deep breath, and stepped up onto the platform Dumbledore was on. "Expelliarmus!"

Dumbledore's wand went flying out the window. Defenseless. And calm. Violet could see both him and Draco in the moonlight. "Good evening, Draco."

He stepped forward, wand outstretched, and spotted something. Violet couldn't see what without revealing herself.

Draco Malfoy's PerspectiveWhere stories live. Discover now