Chapter 1

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Serenas POV

I texted my sister Mitchie that I was coming to school. I said ...

- hey Mitchie I'm I'll be at school by our lockers right away ok ttyl -

The right after I got a text .. I wonder who that could be lol the text said

- oh okay Serena luv ya see u at school-

Then I put my fav butterfly tshirt on and my jeans on and I put some blush and some eye shadow on and I grabbed my phone and I went downstairs and put on my pink shoes on then I went out the door.... A couple minutes later I was at school! I quickly went to my locker and I saw Mitchie waiting for me! " hey Mitchie how long have you been waiting for me? " I asked her " I only been here for like 6 minutes and schools gonna start in 2 minutes!!!! " so we both got out our books, then we went to our first class which was science.

an half an hour later... i asked my sister " hey mitchie, can I tell you something? " "oh okay what is it Serena? " should i tell her... haha ya obviously! " okay i like this guy named Riker and i think his last name is Lynch! " i told her " do u know who that is?... " my sister said eagerly " um i dont think so why? " " Hes from the Band R5 remember?! ' my sister told me .

" oh ya thats where hes from! " "omg Serena you should go talk to him and ask if sometime we should meet his sister and brothers?... " Mitchie winked at me " ok then ill ask right now see you later " i waved as i walked to Riker at his locker.....

~ hey guys i wonder if riker will let them meet them?... mmmh well find out in chapter 2!

xo mimiandash

Girls Best Friend (an R5's Riker Lynch fanfic)*COMPLETED*Where stories live. Discover now