chapter 16

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When I wike up, I was in my Boyfriends bed in his arms... omg awwwe " goodmorning sleepy head.. " Riker giggled and said " goodmorning baby " I smiled " wheres Mitchie? " I asked " oh shes in Ross's room " he replied " oh ok , so should we go eat breakfast? " I smiled as I got up from Rikers bed " sure IM starving! " We both laughed " let me put some new clothes on ok Rikey? " I giggled and asked " oh okay Love the nickname by the way! " He smiled and left the room I put on my crop top that was light pink, and a skirt with some pretty flowers on it. Then I headed downstairs .. 

" hey Girlie! " Rydel said " hey Delly! " I said back as I walked into the kitchen to see a plate of toast and egs and fruit! With a note beside it! It said : 

~Hope u like the special Breakfast babe~ love Rikey :) 

"awe it was from Riker! " I smiled and put the note in my pocket " I cant believe you guys are a couple! and a cute one too!" Rydel smiled and looked at me " thanks Delly Wheres Mitchie? " I asked her while I was eating " oh she went to the park with Ross and the boys, wanna go? " she asked " ok! " I finished my breakfast and put my pink flats on and waited for Rydel she put on her Hello Kitty shoes on! hah Did I mention She Adores Hello Kitty? well she does! 

~ what do u think they will do at the park? mmm? find out on chapter 17... lol im making u guys wait!!!! im so EVIL ... Just kidding lol vote and comment 

thanks ~ mimiandash100

Girls Best Friend (an R5's Riker Lynch fanfic)*COMPLETED*Where stories live. Discover now