chapter 14

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I guess I fell sleep on Rikers bed cause I heard Riker wake up! then he went downstairs with the others. I fell back to sleep for a while then I looked at the clock it was 10:08 am so I got up and I put my pi k tank top and some jeans on then I went down stairs.

" good morning sleepy head! " Riker said and I gave him a kiss

" so where's my evil sister? " I said

" serena?.... don't say that remember what I told you yesterday? she went to your house to get clean clothes.. u should go try to talk to her at least rather than ignoring her your whole life." he suggested

" fine ill try . " I said as I'm putting my shoes on then walking outside


as im getting my clean clothes to go to the Lynch's house I heard the door open... I went downstairs and I saw Serena standing there.

" im so sorry Serena I should've told you right away... I hope you forgive me soon. Cause I really miss you! "

" yea me too im sorry I yelled at you like that... I miss you too! " I started crying a little then I ran to Serena then we both hugged each other and we both started crying!

" I forgive you !!!! " Serena told me with cries in between her words

we pulled out of the hug then we both smiled at each other

then we both got clean clothes from our room cause we have a huge bedroom with a bunk bed I have the bottom and she has the top! so we gathered a bag of clothes then we left we said bye to our mom and we smiled cause we were happy that she was back home from the hospital!


Girls Best Friend (an R5's Riker Lynch fanfic)*COMPLETED*Where stories live. Discover now