Chapter 7 does Riker like Serena??

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Rikers POV.

You know what? When me and Serena hugged each other I instantly fell in love with her!!! So I'll wait to tell her or does she like me back? I'm not sure.. But I think she does cause she smiled at me then I smiled at her! So ya

So then I went to the kitchen to get a drink cause I was thirsty from watching tv! Then when I walked I in I saw my dad cookin dinner, " hey dad what's for dinner? " while I was daydreaming about how Serena was so beautiful and her eyes so pretty and her Long brown hair!! " oh hey Riker! Um today for supper is chicken ... Uhh Riker .. Riker hello? " I heard him saying something so I snapped out of it! " oh ya dad" I said quickly " is there something u wanna tell me son? " he asked " well there's this one girl she is pretty and I love her brown hair and brown eyes her name is Serena the girl that came here with her sister!? " " Ohh so u like her!!? Wow are u going to tell her or your going to wait?" he asked while he was waiting for an answer " oh I'm going to wait for a while " " ok good luck with Serena I like her too but u can have her haha " my dad is always funny!! " I love you dad " I waved bye when I got a drink " I love you too Riker! "

I went back to the living room and I asked Ross something.. " Ross can I talk to you for a Minute? " sure what's up? " he asked cheerfully " u have mitchies number right?" I asked " ya why? " well can u ask her for Serenas number for me?" " Uhh sure let me text her "

A couple seconds later Ross texted me her number " thanks bro " " your welcome Riker " he went back to watch tv or whatever hes going to do them I went upstairs to me and Rockys room to text Serena

- hey Serena what's up? ~Riker I sent the text

~ oh hey Riker nothing much Wbu? ~ Serena

I got a text from Serena back so I said back

~ I'm just sitting in my room lol do u wanna hang out tomorrow? - Riker

- sure I would love too umm pick me up around 7 k? - Serena

-ok then it's a date...-Riker

-ok then see u tomorrow - xx Serena

Serena's POV.

Omg I'm going on a date with Riker!!!!! What will I wear!!!!?? I guess I'll go shopping with Mitchie I'll go ask her

( going downstairs to see Mitchie)

" hey Mitchie can u come with me to go shopping today like now? " I asked her " sure what's the occasion? " " Ohh ummm Riker asked me out Riker likes me and I think he'll tell me tomorrow!! Omg " " wow Serena cool so we will go o the mall ok I'll get dressed then we'll go k " she sad " ok hurry " I told her to hurry up!!

A couple minutes after she was done so we went to the mall first we went to a fashion store with beautiful stuff ad jewelry too! I got a nice sun dress with like pink hearts on them and I got nice heart earrings to go with my sun dress and I got like flats that are pink and a bow on it!!!

So when we went back home it was 10:30 so I got my r5 pjs on!! I just love them!!

Ok then I had thoughts going around my head what would happen on the date.. Where will we go? To a restaurant? When my eyes were getting heavy so I couldn't keep my eyes open so I went to sleep

~~ hey guys sorry for the long chapter so Riker asked Serena out ooooohh what will happen?? Well u have to find out.. ~~ xx mimiandash

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