chapter 22

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( skipping to lunch )

Serena's Pov

Mitchie and I find our way to the Cafeteria and get our lunch and sit down at an empty table."so how is school going sis?" Mitchie asked " its good! what about you?" I asked back " same... " she says..

then all of a sudden A girl with brown medium length hair, brown eyes, and she had a cute hairband not the noral way but ( like where lauren cimorelli wears them )  and she had a white tanktop with a white sweater and a flowered skirt, she came up to us " H-hi I'm Lauren, Lauren Cimorelli can I sit with you guys?" she sounds really cute and nice " sure I'm Mitchie and this is my sister Serena" Mitchie smiled she sat down beside me.. " I like how you wear your headband " I complimented her " thanks " she smiled and she started eating her lunch as we did too " so what do u have after lunch Lauren?" I asked " um I think Math and social studies? " she replies " oh we have thaat too We can all walk to class together! " I say excited 

Lauren's Pov 

I'm Lauren Cimorelli, I'm 19 years old I have 5 other sisters , Christina, Katherine, Lisa, Amy and Danielle but we call her Dani for short. Dani is 17 years old and Christina is 24, Katherine is 23, Amy is 20, Lisa is 19 like me. And today was my first day of school and I just met two girls their names are Mitchie and Serena..  we all deicded to walk to our next class together. we had math first. I hate math! who doesnt? 

( end of chapter! lol Lauren's sisters wont be in this story cause I already have r5 )

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