chapter 23 Tennis and... Rydellington?!

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this is the second last chapter of this book but.. I'm planning on to making a sequel to it so is chapter 25 for you guys!

Riker's POV

I drove everyone to the park with Serena sitting in the front with me. The radio was on then the man said " here is R5's Smile " Then all of us started screaming that it was playing " Oh My god Our song is playing on the radio! " Ross screamed " I love this song!!" Serena smiled and looked at me " we all started singing. 

Serena's POV 

Omg I love in the beginning when Riker sings " Today I Feel Like Running Naked through your street to get your attention" I smirked at RIker then he Smirked back at me I giggled We all sang the Chorus,

" I WANT TO SEE YOU SMILE! " WE SANG even Lauren started singing too.

At the end of the song we arrived at the park where the tennis court is. " hey Ratliff do you even know how to play tennis?" Ross asked him " oh yeah I do .." he answered " really? r u referring to wii tennis?" he asked " fine but this is like it anyway. I'll be back to get changed" ratliff answered and ran to the park washrooms. A few minutes later Ratliff came back with wearing a really funny outift. Me and the others started laughing. " lets play some tennis!" he said 

Rydel's POV

I kinda have a crush on Ellington,but anyways.... a few games later I sat on the bench and waited for my turn then Ell came and sat next to me. then he moved closer to me.. I giggled then I moved away then he moved closer to me I moved away we did that once more then finally RIker came " hey wassup man?" Ratliff smiled and greeted RIker " what r u two doing?" Riker asked both of us " nothing we're just fooling around" Ratliff answered as I nodded 

Then it was getting dark so we started to pack up our tennis stuff and head back. Ell nudged me " hey I need to talk to you when we get to your place, but it has to be somewhere private like your room ok?" Ratliff whipsered to me I nodded. ooh I wonder what he needs to talk about? 

Mitchie's POV

well I see Serena has been acting weird lately and its bugging me, When we arrived at the Lynch's house I grabed Serena's hand " hey are you ok? do u need to talk about it?" I asked her " um uhh... no I'm fine.." SHe stuttered, SHe only stutters when shes nervous about something I have to find out!

" hey baby you did great at tennis " Ross kissed me " awe thanks you did not so bad yourself blondie haha " I laughed as I called him that it reminded me of the episode of Austin and Ally 'DIners&Daters' He laughed as well " your cute when you laugh " Ross said I blushed " thanks lets watch a movie you guys!" I suggested it as I looked around to see nodding heads but I didnt seem to find Delly or Ell... " hey wheres Delly and Ell?" I asked " I dont know " Serena and Riker said at the same time " jinx! Jinx again!" Riker and Serena screamed laughing Its from the disney movie " frozen me and Serena Love! 

Rydel's POV

Well we're in my room alone then Ell started talking... " okay Delly I've been meaning to tell you this for a few weeks now and I didnt get a chance to do it so I'm doing it now, Delly I love you! I've always had feelings for you since 2 months ago and its killing me I didnt get a chance to tell you so it feels like weight has been lifted off my shoulders." Ell confessed OMG he loves me?! what do I say? " oh Ell I LOVE you too! " I smiled and blushed as Ell gave me the best hug ever then we both let go then we looked at eachothers eyes for a second then Ell smashed his lips to mine I was shocked at first but I kissed back His tongue begged for an entrence in mine so I finally let him in We kissed for about 10 whole seconds then we pulled back for air " w-wow that was just a-amazing!" I smiled " yeah it felt like there were fireworks above us." Ratliff said " will you do the onour of being my girlfriend delly?" Ell asked me " yes of course I will be your girlfriend!" I gushed Ell smiled big.

" wait so are we going to tell the others? ooh wait what will Riker say?" I got nervous all of a sudden " dont worry I'll handle him we can tell them now if you want?" Ell asked " yeah sure lets go" I held his hand in mine as we walked back down stairs.

omg rydellington!!!!!!!!!! their together! so next chapter will be the last. then a sequel be up as soon as I can. vote and comment guys!

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