chapter 13 Do you want to tell them?

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..there is going to be little drama in this chapter so yeah!......


I went to go get something to drink in the kitchen. Then i saw Ross came in too, " hey ross! whats up? " 

then he kissed my cheek! awe " nothing just getting a drink what about you? " he said " ooh really? im getting a drink too! i was thinking we should tell them about us too? " I asked him " well, do u?  I do if you want too!? " he told me ' sure lets go get Riker and Serena! " I grined then we both walked upstairs then we opened the door then we saw Serena and Riker KISSING!!! OMG and then they both pulled back from the kiss then Riker said " knock much? " he kinda sounded mad " well sorry we got some news too so come down stairs! " ross said as we went downstairs! 


now my sister and ross has something to tell us now?????? omg me and riker were having a moment and they have to ruin it!?ugh I guess we can do it later.. me and Riker went downstairs following Mitchie and Ross!

" so guys..Ross and I want to tell you something and you guys have to promise not to like freakout okay? " Mitchie told us..... " well me and Ross have been dating for a couple weeks now. " she sounded nervous! 

" W-WHAT? MITCHIE YOU'VE BEEN DATING ROSS FOR A COUPLE WEEKS NOW? I.. CANT BELIEVE YOU! YOU DIDNT EVEN TELL ME? WE TELL EACHOTHER EVERYTHING!!!! " I srtart walking up stairs to Rikers room because that was the first place that popped into my head. " Wait Serena! " my Sister tried to stop me she walked to catch up to me .. the time she was up to me i closed the door to Rikers room! I went to Rikers bed and layed there! i cant beive her.. why didnt she tell me? ugh im so mad at her right now!.. I want my Riker..! 

Mitchies POV

Now Im kinda mad at my self now for not telling her.. " so.. what do the rest of you guys think? of me and Ross dating? " I asked again 

" i think its wonderful" Stormie and Rydel said at the same tim " thanks guys" i said looking at Ross smiling! My head is still thinking why we havent told my sister? 

Rikers POV

Well this is alittle akward... I decided to go upstairs to see where Serena went. I went to my room first thinking she went in there... as soon as I open the door I see Serena laying on my bed staring on the celing. " hey Serena why did you run off and yell and your sister for?" I came to lay beside her then she cuddled up with me! " Well i was mad at her because she didnt tell me right away when we did and we tll eachother EVERYTHING! and it just makes me upset and mad! " Sererna had some little tears falling down her cheek. I wiped them off then I put her chin up and said " dont worry Serena, I bet you you girls will come up with a solution to solve this problem between you two okay.. i promise! " then I kissed her lips she got more into the kiss.. after like 8 minutes of kissing we both pulled back." okay Riker I believe you! " 


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