Chapter 6 Does Ross have feelings for Mitchie?

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Ross's POV

I think I might have feelings for Mitchie??! I guess I'll go talk to my mom she'll know what to do. I went downstairs in the living room and I saw the boys and Rydel watching tv.. " hey um have u seen mum around I need to talk to her!? " " oh she's in the kitchen making lunch. " Riker said " oh thanks " I said while I was walking out of there I went to the kitchen " hey mum can I talk to u for a minute? " I asked her " sure anything Ross what is it? " she looked at me for a response " ok u know Mitchie and her sister Serena well I like Mitchie and I'm not sure if I should tell her when we next see eachother or not? " I asked my mum " awe rossy has a crush haha ok so maybe u should tell her alone how you really feel maybe she feels the same way!" she told me " ok then thanks mum love you!"I yelled when I was walking out the kitchen " anytime Ross love you too!! " she yelled back

So when we see eachother again like really soon I'll tell her how I feel about her!! I can't wait to tell her but I don't know when I will though..?

~ hey so Ross has feelings for Mitchie!! Ya my but how will he tell her?? Huh?? Find out in chapter 6 kk love you guys thanks for reading xoxo ~ mimiandash

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