chapter 10 part 2

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serenas pov

I kinda heard riker whispering to ross behind us so i thought about it then i was about to turn around when all of a sudden they ran towards us then pushed mitchie and I into the pool making us scream! omg i cant beieve Riker and Ross!!!!! they were both laughing im going to get him so baddly!! " RIKEEERRRRRRR YOU BETTER RUNNN CAUSE IM GONNA GET YOU BAAACK! " i jumped out of the pool then i started running after Riker! I stoped running he was fast lol then i got a towel from the bathroom for me and mitchie to dry off! then Riker came behind me and said something quietly " what? " i said " oh nothing umm do u wanna go for a walk? " riker asked me omg what do i say?? " uhh yeah sure let me get dressed first .. come on mitchie lets get dressed!!! " i screamed at mitchie.

Rikers POV

i got my glee tshirt on and some shorts on and combed my hair hah then i waited for Serena in the living room with ross " hey ross!! " i said " hey bro is there anythimg u need to tell me cause you seem to be acting weird latly?? " Ross asked me " maybe well i think i like-like serena and we are going for a walk when she is done dressed what do i say? " I asked nervously " I knew it!! Riker has a crush on Serena haha!! " he said loud I hope serena didnt hear that! " well what do i say? " i asked with a glare " well tell her how u feel and see what she says?! idk umm ya" he said i think hes not telling me something either?? ill ask him later " thanks i guess " " no problem bro good luck!!

------------------------------------------------- ookay so lets hope  riker gets to tell serena how he feels?? ~ mimiandash100

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