Chapter 4. Part 1. Truth or Dare and Sleepover fun!

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|Btw @monsterfreeks101 (My sister) is writing this chapter! Yay! @mimiandash100 |

 Serena's Pov

"Hey Mitchie" I whispered to my twin sister. "Yes?" She replied back "Should we play truth or dare?" I asked

"Totally! let me just change out of the bathing suit." She smiled. "Okay!" I said while Me her and Rydel walked up the stairs. "Oh Right you're guys's clothes are in my room right?" Rydel said while opening her door. "Yes." Mitchie said she had a big smile on her face the hole time!

"Okay, Here" Rydel pointed to our clothes on her floor. "Okay, Um Mitchie, There's a bathroom right beside Ross's Room, You can change in there." She said to Mitchie.

"Okay Rydel!" She started walking to the bathroom

_____________________________________________________________________________Mitchie's Pov

Ross's room is right beside the bathroom, Should I say hi to him? Oh my goodness I'm nervous, He's like so cute. And his personality just seems so fun, But I barley Know him.. What do I do? I'll just say hi yes.

"Hii Ross" I blushed, But I tried to stop it lol "Oh Hey, Mitchie Right?" He know's my name!!

"Yes, It's Mitchie" I smiled. Then he smirked back.

"I guess I'll talk to you later" He smiled

"Yeah" I then walked to the bathroom, and started changing into my regular clothes, I just stuck my hair in a high messy bun, It looked really cute :)

I was finished, I was wearing my blue plad shirt, and my white skinny jeans, And a Belt across my stomach, cause the shirt was long, I think this outfit just looked perfect I don't even know why haha?

I walked out of the bathroom, I saw Ross! He was putting on his shirt! o.o He had abs haha Um, What if he sees me! That would be so embarrassing! I'll just continue walking to Rydel and Serena.

"Hey Guys," I smiled with my dimples showing, I smile a lot haha

"Hi Mitchie." Rydel smiled back.

"I guess it's my turn right?" Serena said. while getting up

"Yes haha, " Rydel said back to my sister

"Haha Alright, You guys can wait for me down stairs?" She said

"No, We're all staying up stairs, We're going to Play Truth or Dare in Ross's Room!" Why Ross's Room?

"How come Ross's Room?" I asked

"Cause It's fun there haha I dunno?" Rydel said while looking at me and winking

"Haha Alright guys, I'll just get changed now" She went to the bathroom to go change


Serena's Pov,

I think Mitchie might like Ross a little more? I'm not really sure, I'll ask her in truth or dare. 

Okay, So my outfit was a Grey shirt, and Black Skinny Jeans, And a belt, I know it's not that fashionable, But it looked cute to me and Mitchie. We have the same style! (I'll post a image on the side what it looks like).

There, I'll just keep my hair down, I'm done, Wow that was fast haha

I opened the door, and I saw Riker, Rocky, Ryland, Ratliff and Ross upstairs. Should I say hi to them? Maybe I should? But I'm so shy when it comes to boys..? I guess I'll just say hi

"Hey Guys" I smiled "What's up surfer dude?" Ratliff said Laughing. Riker started to giggle, which sounded so cute. well they all started laughing

"It's not my fault" I pointed to my hair and chuckled, 

"Haha, So are we still on for Truth or Dare?" Rocky got up and then the rest of them got up. And walked To Rydel's Room, When Riker came out of His Room, He bumped into me by accident!!! Omg!

"Sorry" We both said to each other.

"It was my fault" He smiled. Gosh I couldn't stop staring into his eyes,

"Uh Oh, Um. Okay" I just smiled. I had nothing to really say? 

We then walked to Rydel's Room, Mitchie was standing up.. That's kinda awkward.. She was staring at Ross!!

"Mitchie!" I snapped her out of it

"Hey, Uh. I thought I saw something over there" She lied.

"Ha Yeah okay, We're playing truth or dare now lets go" I said while Rydel and Mitchie got up.


Ross's Pov.

Why my room? It's not that fun in there. Its just a yellow bed, and a Red one on the other side of the Room? Which is Ryland's space. Oh well, We'll just play it in here. I then Sat down on my bed, I saw Mitchie staring at me, I didn't mind. Riker sat beside me, Rocky sat between Rydel and Serena,While Serena was sitting beside Mitchie And Mitchie sat beside Ratliff and Ryland. They were on Ryland's edge of his bed. 

"Okaay Guy's who's first?" Rydel smirked and Looked at Me

"No no no, I hate going first" I said while giggling

"Oh Fine Ross, I'll go first you baby" She chuckled

"Okay, Riker Truth or dare?"  She tossed him a water bottle.

"Uh, Truth?" He said nervously.

"Alright, What colour socks do you have on?" Everyone started to laugh!

"Hahaha! Black" She smiled But kept laughing

"Riker's Turn to ask someone" Rydel said

"Rocky Truth or dare!" Riker pointed to Rocky

"Dare baby!" He put his arms around Rydel and Serena.

"I dare you to hug Mitchie!" WHAT! I thought in my mind, My eyes went big

"Sure. Come here Mitchie!" Mitchie and Rocky got up.. I could Tell Mitchie felt awkward.

They hugged.. How come he dared him to do that? Uhh

"My turn." Rocky smirked and Turned To Serena

"Serena, Truth or Dare my friend?" He said

"Ohh, Uhm, Truth?" She looked Shy.. I think she is

"Is it ture that You think Riker has bigger abs than me?" He giggled but why does he say the stupidest things!?

"I don't know? Who said that?" She looked confused

"Uh I did haha"

"Well I don't know, Okaay My turn." She said

"Mitchie Turth or dare?" She smirked at Mitchie 

"Umm, Dare?" She picked dare! Uh oh

"I dare you To switch socks with the person to you're Left So Ratliff" She Laughed

"Haha I don't mind switching sock's with him, Switch me socks" Mitchie giggled.

Ratliff's face looked so awkward, Haha but funny at the same time. Omg he's hilarious!

"Uhh, Here Mitchie" She kept Laughing, I couldn't help but smile too. :)

"Someone please call the police, Mitchie's having a laugh attack!" Ryland Joked

"Haha Okay So Mitchie's turn" Rocky said 

"Alright uhm Rydel Truth or Dare?" She Smiled

"Haha Truth," She always picks truth, Cause she doesn't like the dares people give her.

"What's you're confession?" Mitchie's eyes flutterd, Her Blue eyes were so adorable.. I couldn't stop staring at her. 

"Uhh, I've never kissed a boy before" She looked down. We all knew that she hadn't kissed a guy before, But She doesn't like to talk about it.. Mitchie Also looked down.. 

"I haven't Either.." Mitchie confessed.

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