chapter 21 FIRST day of high school!

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( monday morning ) 

Mitchie's POV

I wake up to the sound of my alarm beside me in the extra bedroom in the Lynch's they let me and my sister Serena stay here for a while.. I get up and I see Serena still fast asleep " hey sis wake up.. school is today.. " I yawn and shake my sister awake " 5 more minutes... " she whines " no come on wake up school starts in an hour.. and RIkers gonna drive us.. the others are probably still sleeping... " as I stoped talking Serena jumped out of bed as soon as she heard her Boyfriends name hahah SHE loves RIker! 

" IM UP! " she says going to the dresser near her as I do the same " should we wear the same outfit? " she asks " ok! that will be sooo cool! " as we both grab the same outfit and change it to it.. we put a little of makeup on and brushed our hair and brushed our teeth. We grabed our phones and backpacks and went downstairs to the smell of toast and eggs " hey RIker! " I said as I watched Serena and RIker kissing for 5 seconds " hey Mitchie " he says as he hands us both a plate,

Me and Serena eat quickly then put our dishes in the sink then we get our shoes on then we head out the door to RIkers car " I get to sit in the front! " My sister calls " fine.. " I sigh as I get into the back seat and buckle myself in then I see Riker and Serena smiling at eachother awwe their so cute together!  

15 minutes later we get in the front of the school " have a good day at school babe " Riker kisses Serena on the cheek which made her blush " and you too Mitchie " He laughs and gives me a hug I hug back and Me and Serena watch Riker as he drives away.

" i-im scared " Serena hangs onto my arm " I'm scared too but it'll be ok I promise. " I smile at her.

We go inside of the school and finds the way to the office to find our schedule and our lockers. Finally we found the office and found a lady sitting at a desk so I politely said " Hi excuse me um I'm Mitchie and this is My twin sister Serena, can we have our schedule and our lockers please? " 

" oh hello girls you look absolutely like Twins because you have the same outfit on " She smiles and hands us our locker combo and out locker number and she also gives us our chedule. " what number of your locker did u get sis? "  I ask " y-yea I got number 277 what about you? " She told me as I look dowm on the little piece of paper the office lady gave us " 278! " I exclaim " OMG our lockers are right beside eachother! " She smiles " thanks " I smile at the lady " oh your welcome girls and you can call me Mrs.Wall " she smiles back " ok bye! " Serena waves as we head to our new lockers. 

Serena's Pov

 Mitchie and I get to our lockers and got our locker combinations right then got our binders for the morning we both had, science, english and art! yay! I Love ART! even though Mitchie is way beeter at drawing than me.. so we head to our first class and we sat down beside eachother as we waited as our teacher started the class.

" hello class I'm Mr. Spencer today we will be just going through the room and telling each other our names and how old we are and whats your interests.." he said " so who will go first..?" he asked us as some people held up their hand wanting to go first. " oh what about you young lady? " Mr. Spencer 

points to me " um ok... uh, I'm Serena, im 19 years old and I like to sing and draw! " I shyly smile then its Mitchie's turn now " I'm Michie im 18 years old and I like to sing and hang out with my twin sister over here " She smiles at me then everyone else goes. then the bell rings signaling for the next class.

( how do u like this chapter? i know its long but idk lol I'm gonna put part 2 for this ok I think ) 

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