Chapter 3 swimming!!

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Serena's POV.

Ok so we met all of his siblings but not his parents so we went to look in the kitchen..

" hey sweetie who do u have here? " " hi mum this is Serena and her sister Mitchie where's dad? " Riker asked his mom " oh nice to meet you girls and he just went to the store for something! " "ohh okay you guys get to meet him when he's back!" He exclaimed towards us "sure sounds good!" Mitchie and I say " hey Riker umm is it alright If we go swimming in the pool in the backyard with your brothers and sister? " I asked him " oh sure I'll go tell them ok and do u want to go get your bathing suits on at home or do u wanna borrow one of Rydels? " he asked us I looked at my sister she whispered 'we can borrow Rydels suimsuits!'
"We would like to borrow Rydels" " sure thing I'll be right back"

Riker's POV.

Ok so I have to tell Rydel and rocky Ross and Ratliff and ryland that we are gonna go swimming and ask Rydel If Serena and Mitchie can borrow one of her suimsuits!

And BTW I think I like Serena because she is so cute and I love her brown eyes and how she gets nervous and bites her nails! So then I went to them and said " hey guys Serena and Mitchie wanna come swimming and Rydel can they borrow a suimsuit from you too? " I asked her " sure tell them to meet me in my room then ok " and the boys said " ya awesome we are going swimming!!!!"

I went back upstairs and I saw Serena staring at me maybe likes she wanted to come hug me or something well ok " guys they said ok and Rydel said to meet her in her room so it's right there beside the bathroom! " I told them to go to Rydels room " ok Riker " Serena and Mitchie said " meet you girls outside" I said when I was going to my room and got changed!

Serena's POV.

OMG I THINK RIKER LIKES ME because I saw him staring at me like he wanted to hug me or something? I told Mitchie she smiled and she told me something too " omg Serena and I like Ross too" then we started walking to Rydels room we saw Rydel coming up behind us

We got to her room " ok guys which one do u want to borrow ? " there were at least like 10 bathing suits cause there were pink and black and like red and pink and stuff so I picked the pink and black bathing suit and Mitchie grabbed the red and black one! And guess which one Rydel picked?

She got the pink one with two pieces!

So we got dressed then we went outside we saw the boys playing pool basketball!! I saw Riker with his wet hair and no shirt on... omg he has abs and I stared at him for a couple seconds then Riker looked back at me and caught me staring at him!!!

Then all of a sudden we heard a big splash Rydel dove in the pool then I heard Riker looked at me and said " come on guys come in " he smiled at me and then me and Mitchie held hands and said " 1 .. 2..3!!! " we jumped in and it was the biggest splash I ever saw!!

3 hours later we were getting bored of swimming so we came out and got dressed again and then after rocky said " hey guys we should totally play truth or dare!! " " ok " everyone said

~ hey so Riker and Serena like eachother but they won't admit it yet and Mitchie likes Ross but does Ross like her back? Mmm and their about to play truth or dare! Keep reading to see what's going to happen ~

Girls Best Friend (an R5's Riker Lynch fanfic)*COMPLETED*Where stories live. Discover now