chapter 19 mitchie & ross sitting in a tree...

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Mitchie's POV

We slept over at the Lynch's house AGAIN! I woke up in ross's bed with his arm around my waist still sleeping. awe he's adorable when he's sleeping.. I slowly moved his arm away and slowly got out of his bed not waking him or Ryland. I walk over to my purse and grabbed my phone. It was 7am? oh my stars! well I'm awake now. I'll just go on my phone.

First I went on Instagram.. I posted a funny selfie captioning " im awake! LOL #lol #selfie #7am #r5 " then i got like 50 likes right away! whoa!!!! then i went on twitter, then I wrote " awake! lol at 7am! "

I decided to slowly get out of Ross and Rylands room, then I went downstairs to find Serena and Riker " hey sis! " Serena smiles " hey guys " I said to both of them " hey Mitchie " Riker smiled as well " what are you two lovebirds doing? " I teased giggling " um nothing wheres Ross and Ry?" Riker asked " their bpth sleeping still. " I replied " why dont you go wake him and Ryland up? " Serena asked me " Ok! Be right back" I said I went back to thier room and kissed Ross' cheek then he smiled " good morning sleepyhead! " I giggled " good morning beautiful " he smiled and opened his eyes " lets wake up Ry now! " Ross laughed and got up and went over to Rylands bed and then screamed " RY WAKEEE UPPP!!!!" then instantly he got up and said " What the heck Ross? " " I wanted to wake you up! " he said " ok fine" he got up and went downstairs. Then all of a sudden..

ROss came up to me then HE smashed his lips to mine then i kissed back we were kissing for a while then Rydel came in and sang " Ross and Mitchie Sitting in a tree.. K-I-S-S-I-N-G! well your not in a tree but whatever! " SHe laughed " Rydel?? " Ross got mad at her " what? " she acted all inocent being funny " ugh nevermind.. lets go down stairs now! " Ross grabbed my hand and went downstairs and Rydel followed behind.

( hope you enjoyed this chapter lolol ) 

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