Chapter 5 part 2

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|Now It's me writing the second part :) |

Serenas POV

ok so it's mitchies turn and she says " Serena truth or dare? "

I decide to pick dare so I said " dare "

Then she thought for a moment.. " Ooo I have a good one ok I dare you to go hug Riker!!!? " what did she just say?? Oh no she didn't???!! Everybody was staring at me I was so nervous someone said " come on Serena it's just a hug it's not like a kiss!! " I think rocky or Ross said it!! So then me and Riker got up and gave eachother a hug! It was warm and good I didnt let I until Rydel said " ok Serena u can let go now!? Hah " " oops sorry Riker !" I said embarrassed " it's ok anywas I kinda liked it! " he whispered in my ear!! I started to have the biggest smile I ever had!! We both smiled at eachother and Mitchie said " what are you guys smiling about? " " nothing " we both said awe so it was mine turn so I said " Ross truth or dare? " " dare.. " he said" I dare u to go get mitchies number and ya lol " " ok " so he wet over and asked for her number and she gave it to him! She smiled I knew she was happy!! I wanted my sister to be happy! So the game was getting a little boring so we put a movie in! I sat beside Riker and Mitchie!

I can't believe Riker liked that hug even tho I liked it too oh he likes me!!!!!!!!!! Ahhh I can't even breath!! I think before I fell asleep when Mitchie said " hey what were u really smiling about? " she whispered to me

" ummm ..." I said " Serena u know u can't keep secrets from me we are sisters duhh hah so tell me " " ok fine well when I was Hugging Riker it felt nice and after he whispered in my ear that he liked the hug so did I!!! So does that mean he likes me?? " I asked her " I think so " " yay how about u and Ross? " I asked " umm so he asked me to give him my number then he winked at me and I think that means he likes me too!!! Omg it's like a dream come true for both of us!!! " we hugged eachother then after that we both fell asleep!! Then I kinda heard the movie end so I think Riker said " I'll put Serena in my room tonight ok " then I heard ross say " then I'll put Mitchie in mine" "goodnight everyone " I heard Rydel say while she was heading upstairs, then I felt I was moving but I kinda lifted one of my eyes open then I saw Riker holding me he was so cute I could keeps eyes open all night to see him!! I wonder when we'll me together? And I wonder how mitchies doing?

Mitchies POV

k so I fell asleep during the movie like I always do lol and then I was moving? What? I opened my eyes a little bit to see what was happening.. I was lifted by... ROSS!!!! Omg where am I going? I think I'm going to Ross's room to sleep!!? Okay that sounds good haha where's serena?? Omg I forgot about my sis where is she? I think Riker took her to his room k good omg so I was on ross's bed now laying down ad I think Ross is sleeping on the ground awe poor Ross!? I was getting tired again so I said goodnight to everybody in my head lol I'll see u guys in the morning!!

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