The Letter

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Hermione's PoV

The summer after the battle and all of the seventh years prior were allowed to chance to return to Hogwarts school of Witchcraft and Wizardry to repeat the year lost to Voldemort. 

Of course not all wanted to go back and relive the memories and recall the lives lost of family members and friends.

 Hermione Granger was one of the few who jumped at the chance to increase her knowledge and complete the year lost what went to trying to find horcruxes and saving the world.

I ripped a page out of my spiral bond journal writing a letter to Harry knowing he would understand this type of paper having grown up with muggles until his 17th birthday.

Dear Harry,

Sorry I haven't wrote much this summer it's been hectic here, Australia was lovely but trying to explain to my parents why I wiped their memory was exhausting. 

I just got the letter from McGonagall explaining that we can redo our seventh year, I understand why you may not want to go back along with all the others in our year. 

It will be a good opportunity for all of us, it will be nice to see you if you do decided to.

Hermione xx

Sitting back down on my bed I reread the letter and sent it on its way. Thinking about my two best friends brought back good memories and bad. After Ron and I shared that kiss in the Chamber of Secrets it wasn't a surprise that we became a couple but it was surprising how it ended.

Shouting down the stairs to my parents,

'Can we go to Diagon Alley tomorrow, I haven't got half the books on the list sent out.'

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