The Reply

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Hermione's PoV

Diagon Alley was just as I remembered, they redone it after the death eaters and the fact that Harry, Ron and I let the Gringotts Ukrainian Ironbelly lose on an escape attempt, that might I add was very successful.

The place was emptier than I thought it would be, but I guess that just makes it easier to get all the supplies needed. First on my list was Madam Malkin's, my school robes didn't fit any more so new ones were in order.

After purchasing new school and dress robes, with some money the school provided I decided to buy an owl as Crookshanks was staying at 12 Grimmauld Place after Sirius's death he refuses to leave his room.

Walking into Eeylops Owl Emporium, I saw a beautiful tawny owl which was smaller than others in the shop sitting on a perch near the back. I just knew that she was mine. I paid for her and a simple cage for the train ride along with some owl treats and I left the store. I called her Hermes, I know the myths suggest that he's male but it just seemed liked that name fit.

The platinum blonde hair was what I noticed first as I walked into the ice cream parlour. Draco Malfoy. It wasn't hard to spot him since we were the only two in the shop. As I was about to leave he looked at me without the smirk on his face I was so accustomed to seeing.

'I've never thanked you for saving me in the Room of Requirement.' The smirk now reappearing on his face. 'I never realised that you loved me so much.' he laughed and went back to eating.

'Don't you have anything better to do than to think about a mudblood like me, your father must be proud'

Waiting for me on my windowsill when I got home was an unfamiliar owl, untying the letter from its outstretched leg it began to read

Dear Hermione,

It's great to hear from you, I know I haven't wrote to you much either but it's been a hard summer. I'm definitely going back to Hogwarts, I know Dumbledore, Remus and Sirius would want me too and I want to go. Hogwarts is my home but it just won't be the same.

I'm pretty sure Ron is going back as well, I know that's probably not what you wanted to know Mione but it's better for me to tell you than being surprised on the day.

Ron's been writing to me asking why you aren't you replying to him. I promised you I wouldn't say anything and I haven't, he honestly doesn't know why you aren't talking to him but you should reply to him soon so he doesn't keep bugging us both.

Have you already got all you books? I didn't have any of them on the list, well I guess that's what happens when you skip your last year, lots of work to catch up on. Would you like to come over tomorrow?

I have a lot of cleaning to do before this place is even liveable. Do you happen to know any spells that can remove a permanent photo? Mrs Black is driving me mad. I did manage to put some tape over her mouth so she doesn't scream as loud but it still gives me a headache.

Love you Mione,

Harry xx

Writing a quick reply saying I would love to meet him, I attached it to Hermes leg and sent her to Harry's.

Harry had decided to stay in 12 Grimmauld Place during the summer and he's been busy cleaning and decorating. It made him feel closer to Sirius and Remus even though Sirius hated the reminder of his family. He's been working night and day trying to make it acceptable and how Sirius would have wanted it.

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