The Great Hall

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Hermione's PoV

As soon as that realisation hit me I felt my cheeks heat up under the scrutinising look of my companion. 'Did he know what I was thinking?' I rejected that thought on the sheer stupidity of it.

'Thank you' I murmured before taking the chocolate from his outstretched arms. No one had ever been this thoughtful.

'It's just for a bet Hermione. He doesn't like you back. Get a grip.'

'You're welcome.' Draco uttered taking my arm for the third time today.

'You must be freezing.' Draco finished placing his coat around my shoulders to keep the winter chills away.

What a gentlemen.

'Come on, let's walk back to school.' Draco murmured with his mouth so close to my ear.

I had never felt this amount of gratitude or passion for anyone ever before. Why did Draco have this effect on my body and feelings? I just wanted to move in closer.

As if he sensed my thoughts, which he was getting good at, he pulled me closer into his arms sharing out body heat as we made our way back up the steep hill to the castle.

When we approached the double doors, Draco still didn't retract his arm which made my face heat up in pride, he wasn't ashamed to be seen with me. After the rocky start with the war, things really had changed.

Draco held open the door for me as we reached the Great Hall with the thousands upon thousands of candles floating mid-air over all four tables, it truly was an amazing sight and with Draco's arm still around me it made it one hundred times better.

Again Draco offered me his hand and led me to the Gryffindor table as all the eyes tracked us every step, as he made it to where Harry, Neville and Luna were sitting he let go of my hand.

'Would you like to join us?' I asked looking up at Draco feeling bare without his hand on mine.

'Yes, sure.' He quickly replied before taking the space beside me at the table.

I could see by the light in Harry's eyes that he couldn't wait to ask me how it went in Hogsmeade and tell me how he got on with Blaise, I honestly couldn't wait to tell him. How often does someone buy you chocolates out of kindness and not to apologize for something?

After we finished our meal, Draco got up and walked over to Blaise and Theo at the Slytherin table without a word.

'Maybe he was just too excited to tell his friends how your date went?' Harry said to me, seeing the obvious hurt in my face.

'Yeah.' I replied lamely.

'Anyway how was your date?' Harry asked curiosity evident in his voice.

'He bought me chocolates.' I told Harry taking the shrunken box out of my pocket.

'Wow, you don't do that unless you really like someone.'

After I finished telling Harry, I looked over towards the Slytherin table only to find Blaise, Theo and Draco all staring straight at me. 

Draco's PoV

When Hermione caught us looking at her, we all turned back around to face each other hoping it wasn't too suspicious.

'Draco you can't just ignore her, you have to do Slughorn's project together.' Theo said to me being the voice of logic.

'I know, I know.' I replied feeling my blood boil when I thought of not speaking to her.

'I've just never felt like this before.' I told my friends honestly.

I don't know why I felt inspired to buy Hermione chocolates. I just wanted to make her smile, something she hasn't been doing much after Ron.

I'd fallen for the girl I tormented for years.

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