Anyone home?

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Hermione's PoV

I walked back towards the entrance of their dorm not letting either of the boys see me before I called out

'Anyone home?'

Hearing them move about into a less revealing position than the one I saw. The idea that Harry was falling for Blaise didn't upset me or even shock me. Their personalities matched, I'm surprised they didn't realise earlier after all the potions experiments gone wrong in Snape's lap, it wasn't by mistake it was because they were too busy giving eyes to one another to realise they hadn't stirred the cauldron in ten minutes.

They could learn a lot from each other with Harry's need to save everyone around him and the Slytherins' need for self-preservation it would be a good match that no one could argue with.

Well apart from Ginny and Ron who I assume will be less than thrilled with the outcome.

The moment I witnessed before felt so genuine, it was flowing with no one guiding them together. It looked easy but incredibly difficult at the same time. It was as natural as any relationship could be.

Harry and I looked at each other jumping up in unison to get out of a position that would be deemed to be guilty to an outsider but in reality it was innocent as most of the first years.

The golden boy had forced me to read this brightly coloured booked saying 'it might help you understand muggles more'

Like he didn't believe the war had changed all of us. Changed me. All everyone always sees is evil Slytherin's only caring about themselves and pureblood are superior.

I never believed those things no matter how much my father pushed it on me. Blood doesn't distinguish a person it is their whole being what does that. Their personality and morals do that.

Blood doesn't matter.

When Harry had handed me the book I knew it was meant to be seen as a gesture for a truce but all I saw was a boy who didn't see the good in me because of my family.

I didn't tell him this but I think he realised when I said

'I read this book when I first came to Hogwarts, my father wouldn't let me keep muggle items in the house.'

After a couple of nights after Harry finally worked up the courage to ask me about my childhood, the way I was raised and what it was like to have a Death Eater as a father and I told him. Every single detail. Leaving nothing out.

I knew I had feelings for this boy even before we had this open conversation. I knew when I had to choose a side for the war and all I wanted to do was keep the chosen one safe.

He felt like my other half. I know it sounds crazy but we fit together. I just have no idea how to tell him any of it and even if I should. There is no way the Chosen One would even see me in the same way.

I don't even know if he's gay.

Deciding it was best to find out before I even attempt talking to Harry about it, there was no way I am going to embarrass myself if it wasn't for a good reason.

I knew Hermione would be the best person to ask not only because I know she wouldn't judge me or Harry but because she knows harry better than anyone having spent most of the time at Hogwarts glued to his side.

I know she would want what's best for both of us.

'When she asks me about what Draco, Theo and I were talking about I can ask her about Harry' I though.

'We're in here' Harry called.

Walking into the main common room seeing both the boys sitting with more of a distance between them than before.

'Hey sorry for stopping by so late but you know what I'm like.' I told them sitting down on their maroon coloured sofa what took up half the space available.

I saw Harry look at me with a 'what do you want in the kindness possible way' expression on his face.

'I guess I interrupted more than just a heated look' I thought to myself in wonderment, maybe I don't need to match make after all, it seems they were getting there themselves.

'I'm actually here to talk to Blaise, sorry Harry'

'Since when do you willingly talk to Slytherin's Granger' Blaise muttered to me.

'You know why I'm here Blaise, what is Malfoy up to?'

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