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Hermione's PoV

As I sat at the table with Harry, I knew I couldn't just ignore the stares Draco and his cronies where throwing toward me. I wasn't normally the type of girl who got given what they wanted, I had to work for it and I'll be damned if I don't get Draco Malfoy however much it took.

'I'll see you in a bit Harry.' I told him, hoping he understood the message I was sending him with my eyes and being the greatest friend I could ask for of course he did.

When I was making my way over to the Slytherin table, I felt a strong pair of arms grab my shoulder in an attempt to stop me. Without looking I knew it was Ronald Weasley, who else would have the balls to do it? Apparently Ron hadn't witnessed or been told what I done to Draco when he snuck up on me.

Doing a similar move on him as I had done Draco, the only difference being the amount of pressure I placed upon his arm before I swung at him and struck him square in the jaw.

I glanced around the Hall hoping with all my heart that no one had noticed but of course all eyes were on us, I was tired of being the centre of attention just because of two boys, I had enough of that after the war. I didn't see Draco sitting at the table, as my heart beat speed up I tried to find him in the crowd but I couldn't.

'Relax Granger, I'm here.' Draco said throwing a wink my way with his signature smirk plastered on his face.

As Ron made his was back onto his feet, Draco loomed over him.

'I told you to never lay your hand on her again.' Draco said to him in a menacing whisper. 'YOU FUCKING CHEATED ON HER, YOU HAVE NO FUCKING RIGHT!' Draco was shouting now, so loud the whole of Hogsmeade probably heard him.

Draco punched him straight on the nose; the sound of the bone cracking was evident throughout the Great Hall.

'Don't you ever fucking touch her again, you will fucking regret it.' Draco threatened and by the tone of his voice it was obvious he wasn't exaggerating.

I grabbed his arm and pulled him out of the Hall back toward our dorm not wanting to see everyone look at me differently, with pity in their eyes. I didn't want everyone to find out about Ron like that, but I can't change it now.

'Hermione.' Draco started, I could still see the anger in his eyes but I could also see regret. 'I really didn't mean to tell the whole hall about Ron, I was just so angry that he put his hand on you like that.'

'I know you didn't mean to tell everyone, it can't be helped. It's honestly fine, everyone was going to find out eventually.'

I could feel the tears sliding down my face as Draco pulled me into his arms.

'Draco there's something I need to tell you.'

I couldn't keep lying to him, I had to tell him about the bet.

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