Harry & Blaise

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Hermione's PoV

'Draco Malfoy asked me to go to Hogsmeade with him' was the thought that was running around my brain all day long and was now the reason why I couldn't sleep.

I couldn't even admit to myself that I wasn't excited. Even though I knew that it didn't mean anything or that it wasn't serious but I just couldn't deny that I hoped it was.

Harry's PoV

I knew Blaise would be back in our dorm already, he never stayed out past curfew. Who would have thought the Slytherin was such a goody two shoes?

As I got back to our dorm I saw Blaise sitting cross legged on the sofa with a movie playing in the background. He looked so different now the war was over but then I guess everyone did. War changes people but it looked as though it changed him for the good.

I was so caught up with my own thoughts I didn't realise Blaise had noticed me staring.

'Like what you see Potter?' He asked with a smile on his face and a twinkle in his eyes.

It wasn't uncommon for him to call me by my last name when he jokes with me, it was kind of a running gag between us now. He has a side to him I never realised before we started sharing the same dorm, he was quite the comedian.

'As a matter of fact I do.' I purred back to him hoping to find his face flush pink and I wasn't disappointed.

'Are you alright Blaise? Looking a little flushed?' I laughed to him before sitting down beside him on the sofa.

Relaxing back into the comfortable cushions that line the sofa, I looked over to Blaise who still sat in the same spot looking dumbfound. I shocked him, I bet he didn't know that I had it in me to tease. Oh little does he know.

Hermione's PoV

'Hey Draco...' I started trying to get his attention.

'Yes' he replied with a dubious look on his face.

'Do you know if Blaise is single?' I asked, curiosity plastered all over my face.

I wasn't asking for myself, I didn't think about him like that and I couldn't do that to Harry either. I've seen the looks Harry has given Blaise I just wanted to know if they were returned.

'Why Granger? You interested?' He asked with a smirk playing on his features. Of course we would find the humour in any situation.

'I'm not asking for me, you know you are my favourite guy.' I said trying to hide the laugh that was begging to come out.

The shock that showed on his face with his eyes widened and mouth hung open, I couldn't hold the laugh that forced its way out me.

'Anyway' Draco started 'he hasn't said anything to me about seeing someone.'

'Just because he hasn't said anything to you doesn't mean you haven't noticed the looks Harry has been giving him.'

Draco sighed 'yes I've noticed the looks and I've also noticed Blaise sending them back but we both know they aren't ready to admit it.'

I knew Draco was right, it would be hard for them not only because Harry is the Chosen One/Golden Boy and Blaise is a Slytherin. I know it isn't going to be easy but I'm going to make Harry recognise his feelings. He deserves to be happy.

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