Which Compartment?

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Hermione's PoV

I packed my trunk and loaded it into the car,

'Come on Mum, I don't want to be late. The train leaves at exactly 11 o'clock without fail.'

The drive had become so familiar to me these past years it was relaxing even though the destination was exciting.

I quickened my pace and ran between platforms 9 and 10 making it onto platform 9 ¾ without a problem. It was weird to be back here after everything that happened last year but I was ready.

Spotting Harry in the distance, I waved him over.

Hugging him I asked,

'Hey Harry, you okay? Isn't this exciting? Back at Hogwarts.'

He hugged me back and patted my back and whispered to me,

'I'm fine, you? Ron's looking for you so if you want to avoid him you should get on the train and find a compartment Mione.'

I quickly thanked him and jumped onto the train without a backwards glance to see where Ron was, I knew I had to find a compartment which he wouldn't follow me into or find.

Looking into each compartment in turn I realised not many of the 7th year students returned.

I saw Neville in one compartment with Luna and her Ravenclaw friends, making my way to the back of the train I found a slightly darker compartment with only one occupant. Sliding open the door I walked in, placed my trunk on the rack with Hermes next to it and went back to shut the blinds.

'Couldn't keep away from me could you Mudblood?'

Sneered Draco from the corner of the compartment.

Typical, I had to choose this one didn't I? It could have been a nice, decent human being but no.

'What's up Granger? Doesn't your tongue work anymore? Why is it you're hiding out in here and not with your precious chosen one and your boyfriend?'

'Shut up Malfoy' I snarled back at him 'you don't know anything about me or my friends so keep your worthless, slimy tongue in your mouth and keep it closed'

'Touched a nerve did I?' Draco questioned 'it doesn't have anything to do with the fact I saw Ron and Padma'

I interrupted him in a deadly whisper,

'I swear to Merlin if you say another world I will curse you into oblivion'

I saw Draco's eyes widen as he looked like it was for the first time, I'd never spoken to anyone like that even though I knew he didn't deserve it. I was angry, Malfoy knew. He would tell anyone just to make my life miserable.

A couple of seconds later I spoke

'I'm sorry I snapped at you, I would really appreciate it if you didn't tell anyone what you saw.'

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