The bet

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Hermione's PoV

'How dare you' were the only words I uttered to Malfoy for the rest of the week. Every time he even tried to speak to me, I walked away. I stayed in my room or the library to avoid seeing him.

The Great Hall was alive as usual when I walked in, sitting beside Neville and some of his friends I didn't know by name. Looking over to the Slytherin table I easily noticed the blonde hair.

Draco's PoV

'She hasn't spoken a word to be for a week' I told Blaise and Theo 'it's so boring, how am I meant to annoy her if I can't even produce a reaction.'

Glancing over at my best friend I noticed he wasn't even paying attention to me,

'Potter catching your eye tonight Blaise,' I whispered close to his ear 'the dorm rooms are working out in your favour'

Giving him my trademark sneer before returning the conversation back to Granger.

'Could I be nice to Granger? Was it possible?' Draco thought 'definitely not.'

Whilst I was deep in thought I didn't hear the conversation going on beside me. They were making bets about me.

'I bet you 2 galleons Theo that Draco can't make Granger talk to him for at least another three weeks' Blaise muttered.

'I bet you 3 galleons that Granger will talk to him in two weeks.' Theo replied back

'Making bets I see.'

'Draco... It's not- it's not what you think' Blaise and Theo stammered.

'I want to get in on this bet. 5 galleons that I can get her to talk to me within 3 days.'

I saw the smirk over take their faces. They didn't believe that there was any way I could do it. It was easy money to them.

Standing up I walked over to the Gryffindor table

Hermione's PoV

I heard the whispering first, looking around to see what all the fuss was about when I noticed Malfoy striding towards our table.

'What the hell was he doing now?'

In the background I saw Theo and Blaise exchanging glances and I knew they were up to something.

'Harry, is it okay if I come to your dorm later tonight?' I asked realising that I could talk to Blaise alone there and figure out what was going on.

'Move along Longbottom' Malfoy said in a tone that I could only assume was close to purring. He flopped down on the bench opposite me just in time to see me stand up and walk away with not a glance backwards.

Reaching Harry's dorm that night, I told the painting the password and stepped inside hoping not to disturb anyone. I noticed Blaise giving Harry a look earlier that I could only translate as attraction.

However noticing the look and seeing it in action were two different things. I wasn't expecting to see the pair laughing lovingly on the sofa about a book which laid open between them.

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