The Incident

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Hermione's PoV

Heading down to the Great Hall first thing Saturday morning was always enjoyable with the way the corridors where almost deserted with only a few students scattered around.

I couldn't deny that I was really nervous but then whoever had the chance to go out with Draco Malfoy would be. What if I made a fool of myself?

As I sat down at the Gryffindor table ready for my breakfast it wasn't long before Harry joined me.

'Why are you up so early 'Mione?' Harry said pouring himself a glass of orange juice. 'Oh yeah, you're going to Hogsmeade with Draco.' With a laugh in his voice and a smile on his face he helped himself to breakfast.

'Yes, I'm going to with Draco, it's no big deal. Why are you up so early?' I questioned back.

After glancing around the hall I didn't need to ask, Blaise was sitting at the Slytherin table with a glass in his hand staring straight at Harry but when he noticed me looking he quickly turned away as his cheeks flushed an odd colour of red.

'Going to Hogsmeade with Blaise?' I teased.

'Yes' Harry replied with his cheeks becoming the same colour as Blaise's.

Before I could tease him anymore I felt someone standing behind me. Shock blasted through my body, I felt myself tense before I shot straight up out of the bench and grabbed the offender by the hair and slammed their head down onto my bent knee and heard a sharp crack.

It was too late by the time I noticed the blonde hair.

'Bloody hell Granger! I was just going to ask if you were ready to go not murder you.' He yelled with pain evident in his voice.

'I'm sorry Draco, I'm so sorry. I didn't know it was you and I just reacted.' I stuttered trying to get a hold of myself.

I pointed my wand at his face and muttered 'episkey' and a quick cleaning spell to remove the blood. After seeing Draco raise his hand to his nose and feel that it was well and truly mended, he finally looked straight at me.

'Where the hell did you learn moves like that?' Draco asked awe evident in his voice along with a little annoyance.

'Well after I told my parents about the troll in first year I had to do self-defence classes every summer. Then when we realised the war was about to happen it was smart decision just in case I didn't have my wand at some point.'

He just looked at me in amusement before offering me his arm,

'Ready to go?'

'You still want to go to Hogsmeade with me even after I broke your nose?' I asked with astonishment evident in my voice and body language.

'Of course I do, you might have broken my nose but you also fixed it.'

For a moment I forgot about the bet and we were just two ordinary people who liked each other.

I took his arm he led me away from the castle and down towards Hogsmeade.

The walk was brisk but body numbingly cold, every part of me was frozen. Draco seemed to realise that and put his arm around my shoulders to warm us both up.

As we reached the boarder of the town Draco asked,

'Would you like to go into Madam Puddifoot's for a warm drink?'

'Sure' I replied hoping I didn't sound as awkward as I felt.

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