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Hermione's PoV

'I think it would be fair if you called Theo here as well.' I told Blaise with a slight smirk on my face.

Blackmail wasn't something I enjoyed doing, but it was necessary. While Blaise went and found Theo I decided to browse the library to find a book to take back to the dorm tonight. But as luck would have it, I found something so much more interesting.

I looked at Malfoy with a smirk on my face.

'I wonder if he is looking for another Shakespeare play' I thought to myself

'Still not talking to me Granger?' Malfoy purred to me. 'Wondering if I'm looking for more muggle classics?' He asked teasingly knowing I wouldn't reply. 'Actually if you must know, I'm looking for books on the potion we have to make.'

I was shocked. Draco Malfoy actually putting effort into his project with a Mudblood. If I could faint I would have.

'Now if you don't mind, I would like to get back to the dorm.' He said looking at me pointedly.

Stepping out of his way, I felt his arm graze mine as he walked past. Electricity shot through my body.

'What was that?' I thought

I glanced behind to Malfoy to see if he felt it as well but he was long gone.

Sitting back down at the table I occupied earlier with Blaise and waited for them both. Luckily I didn't have to wait too long before I saw Blaise and Theo making their way to the table I was sitting at.

'Alright boys?' I asked 'why don't you tell me all about this bet.'

After Theo and Blaise both told me how long they thought I was going to be silent with Malfoy, I came up with an idea.

'How about it? Next time you speak to Malfoy you are going to tell him the bets off.' I said

Quickly before they protested I continued.

'I know, I know, Malfoy will think something is going on but that's exactly what's going to happen.'

'Ha, that will upset him. Giving him a taste of his own medicine.' I thought

'But I want to make my own bet with you both.' I added knowing this would throw them.

The boys went and found Malfoy after I gave them both my proposition so I decided to head down to the kitchen to grab a couple of sandwiches and two slices of cake from the kitchen before going back to the dorm to give them all a couple of minutes to talk it out in the dorm.

I knew Theo and Blaise would tell Malfoy exactly what I told them and that was what I was counting on.

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