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Hermiones's PoV

I don't know why I wanted to know so desperately, I just did.

It might have something due to the fact he tortured us for years but deep down I knew that was only part of the answer.

Did I care for Draco Malfoy?

How could I?

Even if there was the slightest possibility I could never ever act on any feeling I might have. He was the person who let the death eaters into Hogwarts, which ultimately led to Dumbledore's death. It was his fault. Yet I don't know why I felt this magnetic pull towards him, like it was meant to be something.

Something I'd never felt before.

I snapped out of these thoughts when Blaise started to speak.

'Focus Hermione' I thought to myself 'do not think about Draco Malfoy unless it's to do with ways to torture him.'

'You are so predictable.' He started 'As soon as Draco walked towards your table at lunch I knew you would assume I knew. There's nothing going on.'

'Will someone please tell me what the hell is going on?' Harry shouted at both of us.

I explained to Harry what was going on before I left their dorm. I knew I was not going to get Blaise to tell me what was going on, I was going to have to make a better plan.

Heading back to my dorm room I ran into the one person I was avoiding with the utmost determination. Apparently Merlin had it out for me at the moment.

'Hermione why won't you talk to me? I haven't done anything wrong.' Ron demanded from me.

'How dare you pull that crap with me? 'I haven't done anything wrong.'' I mocked back in a less than pleasant tone.

'You are just being horrible now, I haven't done anything wrong and you know it. Learning your new language from your room mate?' Ron replied.

'Haven't done anything wrong' I hissed 'snogging another girl isn't doing anything wrong. How fucking dare you make yourself out to be a saint? If you ever set foot near me I swear to Merlin I will make you wish that you died in the war.'

He scurried away quicker than I thought was possible, his face flushed bright red making it hard to see where his hair started, knowing he has been court out in his lie.

I pulled my wand out of my robes and pointed it straight at his back as he was walking away and muttered 'anteoculatia' which fired a red jet light. It wasn't the revenge I wanted but it would have to do for now.

I went back the way I came and headed in the direction of the library wanting to spend some time alone before I went back to the dorm room.

Finding a nice secluded table towards the back section of the library I sat down with a book in my lap happy to spend away the minutes before curfew on my own before I had to be with Malfoy again.

I hadn't spoken to Malfoy for over a week, it should have been a nice break but all I felt was this itching under my skin, like he was a rash and the only chance for relief I could get was when he spoke to me. I knew I couldn't keep up the silent treatment for much longer, but I could hopefully hold back until I figured out what was going on.

Think about the devil of course he would turn up.

'Is he following me or something?' I thought to myself.

'I just ran into Ron in the corridor, I take it that it was your handy work on his antlers. Nice one. I added my own spin on them.' Draco told me without a sneer on his face.

'Why is he trying so hard to make me talk to him?' I contemplated. 'That's it. That's what he's trying to do. I wonder how much gold they are spending. Knowing Slytherin boys they wouldn't do anything that didn't benefit themselves in some way.'

'I know you so desperately want to know what I did, I can hear you begging me from here.' He joked lamely 'every time anyone tries to removed they will double. Let's hope they figure out the anti-jinx before he can't life his head' Malfoy joked with me.

A/N Please read and review guys! :)

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