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Hermione's PoV

I jumped awake with a start to hear banging on my bedroom door for the second time this term, only it wasn't Harry the time.

'Hermione if you don't hurry up and get ready, you'll have no time for breakfast.'

Draco sighed in a dramatic manner after he heard me grumble and moan about being woken up too early.

'I really needed to get my alarm fixed.' I quietly grumbled out loud.

After a much needed relaxing shower I headed out of my bedroom and down the stairs to only see Draco sitting on the sofa with a book in his lap and a smirk on his face looking like he had all the time in the damn world.

'Draco if you don't hurry, you'll have no time for breakfast.' I mimicked back to him.

'I was waiting for you actually.' He told me. 'I thought if we turned up to breakfast together it would cause a bit of a stir and also piss your ex off.'

Now I knew why the smirk was there. But he was right, it would upset Ron and that's always a bonus.

'Alright let's go.' I said with a smile plastered on my face.

Of course Draco was right, as soon as we entered the Great Hall all eyes narrowed focused on us.

Draco leant down and whispered in my ear, 'I told you so, can you see the look of Weasel's face?' He asked breathing down my neck.

A shiver passed through my body that I tried to cover, but by the look of Malfoy's face I wasn't successful.

I followed his gaze along Gryffindor table and spotted Ron. The fury on his face was undeniable and satisfaction replaced the strange feelings Malfoy produced.

I stretched onto my tiptoes and ran my mouth along his cleanly shaven jaw line before breathing 'we should do this again sometime' into the crock of his neck.

I didn't look back as I walked over to sit at the Gryffindor table.

Serves him right.

I looked to my neighbour and saw Harry sitting there with his mouth hanging open and not a work coming out.

'So 'Mione you and Draco seem close.' Harry said to me with a toothy grin on display.

Of course he would find the amusement out of this situation, and his grin was still there after I told him the story.

He just laughed. 'Of course that's the reason 'Mione, whatever you say'

'So Harry, you and Blaise seem close.' I joked with him.

After an in-depth conversation about how he didn't like Blaise, in my opinion he protested a lot too much to make me believe him, he turned to me and said,

'Mione, Draco's walking towards you.'

Turning my head to look in the direction of the Slytherin table I saw exactly what he meant. Draco was making his way to me with what looked like sheer determination in his eyes.

When he made it to where I was sitting he bent down and said,

'Would you like to go to Hogsmeade with me this weekend?' He asked.

That was unexpected but I refused to give in and eventually I accepted his offer.

'It was going to be an interesting four weeks.' I thought to myself and Draco escorted me to my first lesson.

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