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Hermione's PoV

'No' I shouted 'Absolutely not. I am not sharing a room with ferret face. He will kill me in my sleep. It will not work.'

I was furious, not only at the insult to my intelligence, equal to Malfoy. Yeah right. His father probably paid for him to get the grades.

But also because I was stuck with the one guy (apart from Harry) who knew about what Ron did. It is going to be a living hell.

'I am just going to have to get used to the idea that I'm going to be sharing a dorm with him for the next year. I could do that. I hope' I thought to myself.

Looking across the great hall to Malfoy.

'Don't talk to me. Don't go in my room. Don't touch any of my stuff. And more importantly do not talk to me.'

Walking around the castle felt foreign to me. It didn't feel like the school I loved. It felt new, without the history. It felt like a reminder of all the people who died fighting and those who died protecting our school.

Roughly walking in the right direction, which McGonagall pointed I remembered that she told me the door leading to my dorm had the painting of Sir Cadogan.

'I guess there is no one better to guard our rooms than a knight.'

I spotted the painting a little way down the corridor and cautiously approached expected Malfoy to jump out at me at any second. It is going to be such a relaxing year if I'm paranoid every single second and don't feel safe in my own bedroom.

'Who dares approach?' Shouted Sir Cadogan

If I can expect this every time I come home there will be no sneaking out this term.

'Hermione, this is my room'

Whispering the password I walked in to my brand new room, not expecting to see Malfoy curled up in the armchair with a book open in his lap.

Stepping closer I noticed that it was a muggle book. Who would have thought the pureblood fanatic would like a muggle writer and William Shakespeare nonetheless.

'This is great' I thought 'he won't tell anyone about Ron because I could tell everyone about this. I guess this room business isn't going to be as bad as I thought it would be'

Getting closer to Malfoy's face than I would have liked,

'Draco, wakey wakey. You are drooling all over the chair and your book' I started sarcastically hoping be would wake up and be embarrassed.

His eyes fluttered awake,

'Go away mum, I'm sleeping' He said and fell back asleep.

Quietly laughing to myself, I got out my wand and pointed it at Malfoy's face. Muttering a silent charm, water burst out of my wand and soaked him from head to toe.

'WHAT THE BLOODY HELL DO YOU THINK YOU ARE DOING MUDBLOOD.' He yelled at me, shock evident in his voice.

Malfoy looked down at his soaking wet clothes and noticed his book.

'Say anything and your life won't be worth living' he threatened

'I won't say anything about the muggle hating blonde haired boy reading a book by one, if you don't say anything about what you saw Ron do' I said sweetly.

Resorting to blackmail was not on my list of top things to do but I knew it was the only way to guarantee his silence.

'Deal. Seeing Ron snogging another girl toughened you up mudblood' he sneered.

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