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Hermione's PoV

I walked away, how could I not thank him for that?

I knew that I had to wait this out. He couldn't keep it up forever, he would turn back into the horrible guy everyone loved to loath.

Slipping quietly into the dorm hoping no one was roaming the corridors to see how late I was getting back from the library and Malfoy was nowhere in sight.

'I hope he doesn't get caught' I thought to myself 'not that I care.' I told myself sternly.

Lying in bed I quickly fell asleep to the sound of the Giant Lake outside my window.

I woke up to the sound of knocking against the wooden door that separated from me the devil incarnated.

I am so not a morning person and the human on the other side of this door is going to find that out in the most unpleasant way.

I slammed open the door with a look of thunder on my face only to be pleasantly surprised to see who was there. It wasn't unusual to visit other dorms but this early in the morning something must be wrong.

'Harry what are you doing here? What's wrong? It's so early...' I complained

'First class start in 5 minutes 'Mione, I was worried when you didn't come down to breakfast so I thought I would check on you.' He told me with a sincere look on his face, I knew he wasn't joking. I overslept.

'Crap, I'm going to be late.' I said out loud while casting a cleaning charm on my clothes and hair. There wasn't time to have a shower.

I ran out of the door quickly after realising we have Potions first with Slughorn. He wasn't the strictest of teachers but I couldn't afford a late mark on my report not if I wanted to be the top student this year.

Down the stairs, along the corridor we ran. It was a miracle we didn't meet any Mrs Norris or we would have a detention for sure.

We made it to the classroom with seconds to spare, getting there behind everyone else caused us some complications such as there were only two spare seats available.

Ron or Malfoy? Which one was worse?

I already knew the answer to that unfortunately and took the unoccupied seat next to Malfoy.

'Listen up.' Horace Slughorn boomed 'these are your set seats and partners for the year. Turn to page 97 in your textbook, this is your personal project for this term, it's up to you to decided when you do it and where, partner up with your neighbour and get started.'

Great, just because I overslept I'm stuck with ferret face not only in sleeping arrangements but also in classes now as well. This is so typical.

'I'm going to have to talk to Blaise again tonight,' I told myself with the most amount of determination I could muster.

As soon as classes finished I walked toward the library with resolve to research the hell out of this project so I could get it done with the least amount of communication I could.

As it turned out I didn't have to go and see Blaise tonight. He was sitting in the corner of the library furthest away from most of the students. The only reason I noticed him was because that table was usually mine.

After I got all the books I could carry back to the table I laid them out careful not to damage any of them and pulled up a seat next to Zambini.

'Mind if I sit here?' I asked even though there was no way I was going to move.

He shook his head and I took it as an invitation even if it wasn't the most sincere one.

'So,' I started casually 'how much money have you bet on me?'

The look on his face told me that he hadn't been expecting me to ask him that or even know that.

'Wha-' he cleared his throat. 'What are you talking about?' He asked in a timid voice.

'Well after I thought about it, it was obvious that Malfoy wouldn't willingly try and talk to me so I knew there had to be money involved.' I stated. 'I can help you win if you tell me what you know.'

I know it was slightly blackmail but I had to know.

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