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Hermione's PoV

Stepping back into Hogwarts was like a dream come true, I never thought I would be back here and witness the first years being sorted and their siblings looking with anticipation at what house they would be in.

I remember the rest of the school talking amongst themselves a lot like we did when we were in their places.

Not that there were much talking this year, everyone knew someone who didn't make it out of the battle alive and everyone was still grieving.

Taking a place my place at Gryffindor table, beside Harry was the most natural thing to do, but I knew it was a mistake as soon as I looked up.

Ron was flopped down on the bench opposite and gave me a lazy smile.

'How dare he' I thought 'He has the nerve to smile at me like nothing happened! I'm going to kill him!'

Harry glanced at me, he knew what I was thinking. I know he did and I didn't care.

I gave Harry a look back which read 'If he speaks to me I will curse him a million different ways.'

'Hermio..' Ron began.

Standing up at the table I shouted,


I stalked off and sat down at the end of the table without a backward glance towards him or Harry. I knew he would understand why I couldn't sit with him.

I heard Harry and Neville get up and head towards where I was sitting.

'Is it okay if we sit with you Hermione?' Neville asked somewhat shyly.

I guess everyone heard my outburst and looking around the great hall I was positive everyone did. Accepting the company I thought 'What a great way to start the year.'

I glanced around the hall to spot any others who returned to Hogwarts and only found a few.

Draco and another two Slytherin's whose names I believed were Blaise Zabini and Theodore Nott along with Pansy who was desperately clinging to both the boys. I saw Hannah Abbott and Susan Bones from Hufflepuff along with some others whose names I didn't know.

Before I could finish looking around McGonagall stepped up to say the usual announcements along with a message for all those resitting their 7th year to stay behind after the feast.

Waiting behind after the feast we were all puzzled to what McGonagall wanted.

'I bet you are all wondering why I asked you to say behind' McGonagall started 'The teachers and I decided that you would all be given a different quarters to live in, seeing as there are not many of you we've refurbished part of the castle for all of you each dormitory will have a common room leading to it. However each dormitory will house two people and we've decided to split you up based on your academic levels.' McGonagall explained.

She read down the list of people and paired us together.

'Harry Potter and Blaise Zabini' she stated with a look that made it clear that there were to be no fighting or trading.

'Ronald Weasley and Pansy Parkinson'

'Hannah Abbott and Susan Bones'

'Neville Longbottom and Theodore Nott'

'Hermione Granger and Draco Malfoy'

I stopped hearing any names after that. I had to spend my last year stuck with the blonde ferret himself.

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