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Hermione's PoV

Did he know that was the place where all couples went? Get a grip of yourself Hermione. This isn't a real date. He's just acting and so are you.' I told myself sternly before we arrived at the crammed little café.

When we eventually made it to this café it was crammed pack of various students all of which looked to be on dates, everything inside was adorned with bows and frills. We made our way over to a small circular table that are only for two people.

Sitting down at the table I had never felt more out of place in my life.

I didn't belong somewhere like this after everything that happened in the war. I wasn't a dainty, fragile girl anymore.

It was as if Draco had notice or he too felt out of place because he looked at me and said,

'Do you want to go to Madam Rosmerta's instead?'

I smiled and nodded. Draco took that as his cue to guide me swiftly out of the café and back up towards the pub. It was getting close to Christmas and the freezing arctic air reminded you of that every step you took.

As we entered the pub we took a seat in the secluded area at the back, both of us hoping to hide from any prying eyes.

Being part of the Golden Trio was hard but I bet being part of the Malfoy family after the clear association with Voldemort was even harder and by the look on his face it definitely was.

'Would you like a drink?' Draco asked with perfect etiquette.

'A butterbeer please'

After Draco returned with our drinks, I felt the awkward tension as it slammed into me. Even though we both knew it was a bet, it suddenly felt too real.

Draco Malfoy and Hermione Granger were on a date. If the Daily Prophet didn't get a hold of this story today they probably would tomorrow. It won't be long before someone sells us out.

'So-' Draco cleared his throat. 'How are you lessons?'

'Is that what you normally ask a girl on a date?' I questioned hoping to get a better insight into the blonde's life.

He cleared his throat again showing signs of obvious awkwardness. This was going to be fun.

'No I... Umm-' he took a deep breath and started again.

'No I don't normally ask girls that on dates, but you are a completely new species to me.' He finally managed to get out.

'Species?' I replied hitting high notes I didn't even know I could achieve.

'Yeah, no I mean no. I mean you're completely different to any other person I've met. Not a species...' He stuttered out and his face turning a whole new shade that contrasted with his platinum blonde hair.

I just laughed but inside I felt my stomach doing summersaults.

'I was joking, I know what you mean.'

After we both stopped laughing we continued our conversation in the pub for well over an hour, talking about silly trivial things making each other laugh while getting to know each other better. I hadn't felt this relaxed in a long time and how would have though Draco Malfoy would have made me feel this way?

As we were about to leave the pub, I quickly went out back to use the bathroom.

Not seeing Draco as I walked back into the main room, I made my way outside silently hoping that he was waiting for my outside and hadn't ditched me after he realised what a mistake he'd made.

I still didn't see him anywhere. I slumped against the wall of the pub, how embarrassing is it going to be walking back to Hogwarts on my own and having to tell Harry and my friends how Draco had ditched me and on a fake date no less.

I contemplated my options and decided to head back to castle not seeing any alternative.

'Hermione.' I heard a voice call that sounded so familiar after spending all day with him.

Hope blossomed in my chest and it was all I could do not to burst out a massive smile that threatened to show my real feelings.

'Where are you going?' Draco called. 'Ditching me?' I thought I heard sadness in his voice but I shook my head at that thought.

'I couldn't find you when I came out of the pub, I thought you left me so I was going to head back to the castle.' I whispered hoping the freezing cold air would provide a good enough answer to why my eyes were red.

'This is why.' Draco said handing me a box of chocolates he had obviously ran to Honeydukes to get me.

God. I had fallen head over heels for Draco Malfoy.

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