Chapter 11

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Chapter 11

We finally got to see Jazz. She was on the hospital bad moaning with pain and crying. It hurt me to see her like that. I just rubbed her cheek and hugged her tight. I knew she was hurt. She almost lost her life and she lost her unborn child. I feel for her. Kendrick even rubbed her shoulder despite his bad feelings for her.

"Uh Rocky said he will be here tomorrow...he's mad about the whole thang" Kendrick said to Jazz. Jazz started crying even more. It made me cry. Kendrick just walked out the room after that I guess it was too much for him. I thought about the whole incident. Then I realized Jazz was set up. Or maybe I was the one set up by...TAVIA!!! Now I got it on why she didn't want to take Jazz to the hospital and why she was screaming no. That witch! She set this whole thing up. I was suppose to be the one shot up. I ran out the room and went to Kendrick.

"Baby remember Tavia" I asked Kendrick.

"Yeah wasn't that who y'all were suppose to see today." Kendrick replied unaware.

"She set this up! She and that guy planned this. They wanted to get me but They got Jazz by mistake!" I yelled.

"Calm down! And why would Tavia want to get you!" Kendrick said to me.

"I don't know maybe that thing at the club. She has had feelings ever since then. You need to control your groupie!" I screamed at a mad Kendrick.

"WTH NO DON'T BLAME ME FOR THIS ISH! I AIN'T FORCE THAT TRICK TO GET A GUN AND SHOOT YOUR FRIEND AND KILL HER UNBORN CHILD" Kendrick said as he grabbed me tight. People were staring at us. He let go once he saw he left a mark. It reminded me of Rodney!

"Look I'm sorry...I ain't mean to put my..." I cut Kendrick off. I just went back in the room to check on Jazz. After a while visiting hours were over. We had to go. While Kendrick was driving the ride was quiet. But he kept staring at me.

" You hungry ma? You ain't eat all day?" Kendrick asked as he pulled up to a Wendy's. I just shook my head no as a tear fell out my eye.

"You gotta eat something ma. Look I'm really sorry about grabbing you it's just..." Kendrick said as I cut him off.

"You just like Rodney. He started just like this! Then it got worse and I became his punching bag." I started ! crying.

"IM NOT RODNEY. I will never put my hands on you. NEVER!!!" Kendrick said as he kissed my cheek. I just turned my head. Kendrick shook his head as he ordered the food. The cashier was just staring at Kendrick like he was a piece of meat. I started getting insecure on whether or not she looked better than me. I always do this. After he got the food he drove back to his place. The boys aren't home they went out to the club. We were by ourselves. I started thinking about how I was treating Kendrick like a dog. I blamed him for something he didn't do. I ran up to him and I hugged him tight. He hugged me back and then he kissed me for what felt like forever. It was like a thing of fireworks. It was incredible. He picked me up and we fell on the floor. We started laughing.

"I love y-you Angel Skye." Kendrick said staring in my eyes. He loves me! I was nervous. I thought about it and I love him too.

" I love you too Kendrick Lamar Duckworth" I said as I smiled at him.

He kissed my neck. Then his hands trailed up my body. I was nervous but I was in the moment. I held him tight. Then he started trailing kisses all over my face. Then he got up and got a blanket and two pillows from upstairs. He got a radio and put in a tupac cd. We just cuddled as we song each song word from word. Just chilling and vibing to the music. It was nice-real nice. It was a a break from the problems going on.

Tavia p.o.v

I can't believe what happened. I messed up now. I just hired some one who just shot my friend and probably killed her. She probably knows what happened. I got to get rid of her and Angel. I need no witnesses. I can't go to jail. I can't and I won't. I put on a fake nurse outfit. I made a fake I.d. I made up my face with make up and I put a wig on. I drove over to ST MARIA the hospital where Jazz was at. It was late at night so I knew no personnel from the the hospital would be paying attention. I finally got there. I ran into a room where they kept all the files. No nurse said nothing to me they thought I was a real nurse. I found Jazz Smith room 106. I don't want to kill Jazz but I must! I walked in. Jazz was holding her stomach sleep. I closed the door. She jumped up.

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