Meeting my First Love

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One day at school I saw this boy and I heard his name was Donald Degrate but everyone Called him DeVanté Swing so I was walking in the hallway on the way to my first class I see DeVante and his friends everybody calls them Jodeci it's K-Ci JoJo Dalvin aka Mr.Dalvin and DeVanté himself so I walk pass them and DeVanté asked me what's ur name sweetheart I was like Rikiya then he was like can I get ya number or what cuz u sure is looking fine I started laughing and wrote my number on a piece of paper and we exchanged numbers and pager numbers so I went in my class then it was time too go to lunch so I was walking into the lunch room with my bestfriend/sister we've known each other since the first grade and i was so happy that it was our senior year so we get to go out to buy food and come back we went to Burger King while we were waiting in line for our food we saw Jodeci walk in and go to order their food I looked at my bestfriend/sister kadaesha and was like shit their go Jodeci nigga how do I look she was like u look fine as usual I was like ight my face was turning red as a tomato and I was trying really hard not to start smiling when I saw DeVanté walking towards me I mumbled under my breath to kadaesha and was like oh shit he's coming over here then he was like wassup Rikiya I didn't think I would bump into you again but yea I mean't to tell u that I'm having a party this Saturday I would like for you and your friend to come I had a smirk on my face trying to play it cool even though I was blushing hard I said yea we would like to go thanks for inviting us then he said no problem see u around beautiful then he kissed my hand I almost passed tf out when he did that I was screaming like shit in the inside when we were done eating we headed back to school then the end of the day came and I was so happy and it was Friday so I had to buy a outfit for DeVanté's party tomorrow I hopped in my car and kadaesha followed behind me in her car and we went to the mall i bought some Victoria's Secret stuff and joggers from the store Pink and a black long sleeve crop top because it was winter time and kadaesha bought a black long sleeved crop top with grey joggers and we both bought some Vans and Jordan's and Some Dr.Martins when we were done shopping we headed to my house when we got their I took a shower and changed into some booty shorts and a white tank top and some footies kadaesha changed into something similar we both was chilling on my bed watching Tv One when my phone started ringing I didn't recognize the caller ID so I picked up the phone I was like who dis then he said this DeVanté I was like oh hey then he was like so what you up too I said nothin jus coolin then he was like do you and your friend wanna come over my crib today Dalvin was checking her out when we was at the Burger King I said ight that's cool what's your address he told me the address and I wrote it done and was like ight we'll be over their in a few he was like ight see ya when I hung up the phone I was jumping all over my big bed then Daesha was like ight lets get dressed me and her put on some joggers and a shirt and some Jordan's and my hair was honey blonde long and curly Daesha put her hair into a messy bun so we hopped in the car I put the address into my GPS inside my Truck
It was 15 minutes away we pulled up to a big house and got out and Daesha knocked on the door because I was nervous and shy because this is the first boy's house that I've been to who I have a crush on Dalvin opened the door and let us in we took our shoes off at the door and hanged our coats in the closet and DeVanté was in the living room playing on the his PlayStation so Daesha said hi to Dalvin and they got to know each other and I was like hey DeVanté and we started talking to each other and got to know each other more and we all was chilling on the couch when I had to use the bathroom so I tapped DeVanté's shoulder and asked where the bathroom is then he told me then I walked to the bathroom and used it washed my hands and walked back into the living room then DeVanté whispered in my ear and asked if I want to go to his room I wanted to see what his room looked like in my head I was a little nervous but I said ok then we got up and went up the stairs towards his room he opened the door and his room was big and it looked very nice I sat on his bed and he turned his tv on and was like what you want to watch and I was like it doesn't matter so he put on house party so we started watching the movie and I felt something poke my side in the middle of the movie and I turned my head and DeVanté was looking at the screen looking interested in the movie so I just turned my head back and was continuing to watch the movie then DeVanté started to kiss me on my neck and he started to bite and suck on my neck I accidentally let out a light moan I felt him smirk against my neck then he looked in my eyes and asked me if I wanted to be his girlfriend I said yes and he said ight you my girl now so then out of no where he started tickling me I was laughing so hard and then we just started French kissing and I bite his lip lightly and it seemed to turn him on cuz he started getting more into the kiss then he started to feel on my curves and he gripped on my butt and I jumped a little and started giggling and we stopped kissing to catch our breath and he was looking into my eyes and I was looking in his hazel eyes and he started kissing my neck again and sucking on my neck and he lifted up my shirt and start leaving a trail to my waistband and looked up at me into my eyes it was passion and lust in his eyes I sat up and he asked me what was wrong and I was like we just started going out and I never got a hickey before and I never got ate out before or had got fingered and that I'm still a virgin and I think we need to take it a little slow I mean we can kiss and you can give me hickeys and ill give you hickeys and we can do other things but sex I'm just not ready yet and I feel like it's too soon and I have trust issues but when I feel like I really can trust you then we can go to the next level in our relationship he was like I completely understand you at least you have more dignity and respect for yourself than most of these girls out here I was like yeah that's true but where were we then we started French kissing again and he was massaging my boobs and we dozed off with him laying in between my legs and his head on my chest I woke up and felt someone laying on me then I remembered it was DeVanté I looked down at my chest and he looked so cute when he's sleeping I looked over at the clock on the nightstand and it said it was 6:00am I tried to move from under DeVanté without waking him up but then I felt him put his hands on my hips and I looked down and he was looking at me I said I got to use the bathroom he was like ight I got up and walked to the closet where I had my bag with clothes just in case I feel asleep and ended up spending the night and got some clean clothes and my tooth brush and hygiene stuff and hair products out and since I straight my hair last night I jus have to put a shower cap on and I walked down the hallway and I saw what I'm guessing is Dalvin's room door cracked open and I looked in and I saw kadaesha and Dalvin under the covers knocked out I tip toed over to kadaesha and shook her lightly and her eyes open a little and I said come on she quietly got out of bed and she grabbed her bag out of the closet and we went into the bathroom we took a shower in the big shower and got out and got dress and did our hair she curled hers and made it puffy curly and mines straightened we put our bags back into the closet and went downstairs and we made some cereal then we went back upstairs and she went into Dalvin's room and I went into DeVanté's and he was just waking up and I looked at the time it was 8:03am and he was just waking up and kissed me on the lips and said I smell good and I said thank you and started giggling then he was like what's so funny then I was like nothing then he got out of bed and went into the bathroom 20 minutes later her came back out with a towel wrapped around his waist I was trying not to make it seem like I was staring so I was looking at what was on tv I'm telling you the water dripping down his chest and his hair looking really curly and soft in a fade i was biting lip when he looked my direction he winked at me and I started smiling and he grabbed his clothes and went back into the bathroom to get dressed then came back out 10 minutes later he looked good even if it was casual clothes so he laid back down and we started to tongue kiss and his hands traveled up my shirt and he was rubbing my stomach and caressing my hips and I said what time the party start he was like at 8:00pm so we have more than enough time to chill imma start setting up a 6:00pm you and kadaesha can help us if you want too I was like sure and we took a nap.

For Part 2 can I get 20 views and at least 10 votes

Sincerely Rikiya

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