The Party

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Me and DeVanté woke up from our nap and it was 6:00pm so we got up went downstairs and saw KaDaesha and Dalvin in the living room.

DeVanté Pov
Ah Dalvin we should start setting up for the party and the DJ is going to be here a 7.

Dalvin Pov
Ight De ah KaDaesha you want to help set up.

Kadaesha Pov

So we all started to set up for the party and when we were done it was 6:45 and we all got dressed into our party outfits I was in DeVanté's room on his bed and he was looking in the mirror making sure looking at his outfit while he was in the mirror and I was occasionally looking at him and admiring his sexiness we made eye contact and he bit his lip at him I started blushing and looked away.

DeVante's Pov
Thoughts damn Rikiya look sexy as shit I think I'm falling in love with her she is so wonderful
I crawled onto the bed and climbed on top of Rikiya and looked into her light brown eyes
Baby you are so beautiful.

Rikiya Pov
Thoughts he just said I'm beautiful I can feel myself get wet in my lady parts.
Thank you baby and you look sexy your damn self.

We started French kissing and the kiss started getting deeper and deeper and our lips were syncing with each others and it started to get hot we broke the kiss to catch our breath we were just looking into each others eyes and I could see the love mixed with lust in his eyes he started to kiss me on my neck and his hands were exploring my body he gave my butt a firm squeeze I jumped a little and I was really turned on then we heard a knock on the door and DeVanté whispered into my ear and said just wait until later on then he gently bite my earlobe and my eyes almost went to the back of my head we got up from the bed and opened the bedroom door and it was Dalvin.

Dalvin Pov
Thoughts these niggas can't get enough of each other can they.
Ah De the DJ here and we got about 30 mins until people start to show up.

DeVanté Pov
Thoughts damn we was just about to get started I guess I have to wait until later to give my baby some loving.
Ight D come on Kiya come help me put the chips out.

Rikiya Pov

We walk down the stairs and I see the the DJ setting up the rest of his equipment and daesha sitting on the the couch eating some chips.

Rikiya Pov
Daesha you alway eating with your fat ass

Kadaesha Pov
You know I love these this chips they good and nigga can't be talkin you the one who always eating honey buns and shit"laughs"

Rikiya Pov
Now you know I love me some honey buns"laughs"

I go into the kitchen and grab a big bowl off of the counter and look around for the chips and I open the top cabinet and see the chips but can't reach them DeVanté walks into the kitchen and asks if I need some help and I say yea I can't reach those chips on the the top shelf and he gets them off of the top shelf without a problem  and hands them to me and I say thank you and he says no problem I open the bag of chips and dump them all into the big bowl then I take the bowl and put them on the table with the other refreshments.

DeVanté Pov
I walk up behind Rikiya and wrap my arms around her waist
Baby I can't wait to be dancing with you too the music and me the boys are doing a special performance and were to to give a special announcement.

Rikiya Pov
I can't wait either.
I turn around and kiss him on the lips and brake the kiss and look into his eyes while rubbing his cheek.

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