New Years🎊🎉🎈

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"Dal you really tripping over that chicken head she's wack she ain't in tact and she keep calling me so stop tripping bout her and go holla at Daesha to see if you can fix it before they lock your crazy ass up in a insane asylum or something, do yourself a favor and don't call my cellular phone, my car phone none of my phones unless you get a job and pay for the bill"I said while putting the phone back on the bedside table

Rikiya moves a little in her sleep her eyes flutter open and she let's out a slight moan while stretching her body then puts her hand on her head

"Ughh my head hurts why is it so bright in here and who tf keeps calling you"She said groggily while giving him that you better not lie to me look

"Man it's jus some chicken head who seen us perform and her and Dal kinda hooked up back stage and some how she got my number tryna get wit me too but I wasn't having it so then she called Dal phone the other day and Daesha picked up so you know how that went"I said telling the complete truth

"Oh hell no I know he did not fuck around on my sister imma beat his ass ouch!"She said while groaning and holding her head

"Imma get you some aspirin and water baby"I said getting up out of the bed and getting the medicine and water then came back and gave it to her

"What happened last night my head and body is killing me"She said after taking the aspirin and drinking some water

"You turned into a complete freak I mean you did things you never did before that I didn't even know you could do jus thinking about it makes me hard"I said while biting my lip and looking her in the eyes


"I d-did"I said kinda shocked while I feel myself blush

"Mhmm you was taking over and shit making me feel like a motherfuckin DeVante Swing"De said as he gripped my thigh causing me to jump a little and swallow my spit

"O-Okay well imma go take a shower"I said slipping from under the covers exposing my body to him but when my feet touched the floor and I tried to stand up but my legs gave out on me and I felt De long arms wrap around my waist pulling me up and his tall frame towered over me

"You should be more careful baby you know the way I was stroking your legs damn for sure won't be working"De said in his raspy deep voice

He helped me to the bathroom and turns on the shower while I feel a sudden wave of nausea and the next thing I know I'm hovering over the toilet vomiting as he holds back my hair while rubbing my back

"Ughhhhh shit how much did I drin-I cut myself off by vomiting again

After I was done I brushed my teeth and washed my face then got in the shower and De washed me up then washed himself

After our shower he picks out my underwear and bra as I relax on the bed putting on lotion and deodorant

"I wanna take you somewhere special tonight"De said

"Awwww we haven't been on a date in a while you are so good to me baby"I said happily while kissing him all over his face then stop on his lips and give him a long sensational kiss

"Mhmmm damn baby keep doing that and we won't be going anywhere"He said biting his lip and looking me up and down

1 hour later...

"Close ya eyes"De said in my ear causing me to shiver

With my eyes closed he helps me out of the car and guides me to our destination and as we got closer I could hear people singing

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 01, 2018 ⏰

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