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8 Months Later...

So it's been 8 months, a lot has changed in my life I have my own company now I'm a successful Fashion Designer/Model/Actor it's more than I could ask for at the young age of 21. Which has come with a lot of stress especially me adjusting to the spotlight and lately Donald has been helping me work on music which has been on my mind for a while now I've even wrote a couple of songs. It's like so many ideas are in my head that I want to bring to life and I won't stop until I do.

The fellas and I are at the mall browsing Jewlery stores since me and baby girl's anniversary is coming up and I want to propose to her. You know since she supported me even when we had our ups and downs and I put her through my bullshit. She got a niggas heart and I wouldn't wanna spend the rest of my life with no one else but her.

"Ay yo I like that ring right there what you think Jojo?"I asked while pointing to the ring with the biggest diamond and a gold banner with tiny diamonds in it

"You get some romantic quote type shit engraved on it and you fo sho gone have her ass butta balled naked by the end of the night."    K-Ci blurted out

"Nigga did he ask you? But yea De baby girl definitely would like that"Jojo said

"Man I agree wit K, cuz ya know I'm an expert with the ladies"Dalvin says while popping his imaginary collar

"May I help you all"A Clerk asked interrupting their conversation

"Yea did we ask for your help"K-Ci mumbled

"Yea can I have that ring right there and Love U 4 Life engraved on the inside of the banner"I said while nudging K with my elbow

"You corny for dat"Dalvin said while chuckling

"Knowing damn well that's a song you've been writing"K-Ci said

"What's the problem? I wanna be wit her for the rest of my life so why not get that engraved on the ring"I said defensively

"I don't see nuffin wrong wit it ya'll niggas just hating"Jojo said defending me

"Will it be cash or credit?"The Clerk interrupted again

"Don't you see we havin a conversation?"K-Ci said annoyed

"It'll be cash"I said taking out a wade of cash paying for the ring and getting the bag from the clerk

We walked out of the jewelry store to the parking garage

"Man I hope she say yes"I said nervously

"You got nothin to worry about that girl loves you, you should hear how she be talkin bout you to Tionne, she be like girl Donald is so fine, he is my world honey I love him and he be puttin it down in bed"Dalvin says while imitating Rikiya

"Damn De you got her sprung"Jojo said while laughing along with K-Ci

"Man whateva ya gone stop clowin my girl I'll catch ya niggas later"I said while dapping them up and getting into my BMW driving off

"Yea girl he at the mall right now wit his boys, I just got so much on my plate right now you know with my career and my relationship I haven't really had time to go out with ya'll I really wish that I could make it for ladies night tonight lord knows I need the break, but I have work in the morning."I said disappointed talking on the phone with Tionne

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