Authors Note

375 12 10

I might not update for a while because something unfair and not right happened to me and my best friend we were accused of convincing this ladies daughter that's a friend of ours for us to stay out late and that we weren't showing the right example and that everything was our fault but the girl is 13 years old and I am 15 years old and a 13 year old should know right from wrong there not a baby and the lady had the audacity to think that her daughter is always innocent and right but she was the one who lied to me and my best friend and said that it was ok for us to stay out late while we were over her house so when we got back in the house her mother starts going off and saying that we had a choice of telling her what we did or she would call the police and let them take us and our parents will have to go and get us released from the police and she accused us of using her daughter so that we could go places and stay out late and the thing I have to say is that her daughter lied to us her mother told her daughter that we had to be in the house after we came from Chick-fil-A but her daughter never told us that so we went to go see a movie and after the movie went and hanged out with friends since we thought that her mother was ok with us staying out late but we found when we came back in the house and her mother didn't even let us explain our selves and me and my best friend didn't want to be a snitch at the same time so the lady talked to my mom and when I told my mom what really happened I was ok but the girls Mother was psycho she went crazy she was throwing things and yelling at us and she punched her daughter in the face and my best friend was about to jump in it but the mother said that this is none of your business and I just started crying because her mother made me feel like shit and I was scared I thought that the girls mom was going to try and put her hands on me or worse because she was yelling and crying and beating her daughter and she told me and my best friend that she has a disease and that really made me feel like shit and I just was crying on the phone with my mother and when we left that same night I told my mom that lady was crazy and tried to blame everything on me and my best friend but really it was her daughters fault but the girls mother wasn't trying to hear our side of the story we came into the house at 3:00am but me and my best friend thought that the mother was ok with us coming in that late with their daughter because her daughter told us that she was ok with us coming in that late but me and my best friend didn't get into trouble with our parents because they knew we were telling the truth and the girls mother said that she never ever wanted us to come to her house ever again and that we were fake ass friends to her daughter and that we used her to go places which was not true.

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