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1 week later...

Today DeVante is getting out of the hospital finally.

"Baby you got everything"I asked him

"Yeah"He said Limping out of the bathroom fully dressed

I got his bag and put it over my shoulder

"Our bodyguards are gonna walk us downstairs to the car and the doctor said I have to wheel you out"I said while grabbing the wheel chair waiting for him to sit down then I pushed him out of the room walking with the body guards to the elevator

We get on the elevator then we get downstairs and our personal driver opens the door while I help DeVante into the car and give the wheelchair to the nurse then got in the backseat with DeVante

"You comfortable"I asked him

"I'm fine"He said

Most of this week DeVante hasn't talked much.


I'm finally out of the hospital right now I'm renting a new bigger house and I fired my bullshit ass personal assistant and security men and hired an all new team

Now I got 3 pit bulls on the property trained to attack and I'm going to the gun store later on  today

We got to the house and everything was already set up

"Wow this looks nice"Rikiya said when we went inside

Hopefully she'll stop treating me like a baby and realize I can take care of myself since I'm out of the hospital now


"You need anything I can make you some lunch?"I asked

"I'm not a damn baby I can take care of myself"He said irritated

Then he started going upstairs

"Why is there so many got damn steps"He said while limping with his cane up the staircase

I tried my best not to let his words get to me or I would of snapped but I know this whole situation is hard for him so I know why he's acting like that but he needs to understand that I'm here for him and all I'm trying to do is make sure that he's good

Since he has to use a cane and it isn't easy for him to walk I don't want him to end up hurting himself by trying to cook.


After walking up all these stairs I went into my bedroom and changed into a black designer shirt and when I tried to put my pants on

I got this sharp pain in my back

"Fuck!"I kinda yelled while holding the spot where it hurt

Then Rikiya came into the room

"What happened?"She said worriedly

"Nothin I'm fine"I said while the pain started going away

"No your not let me see your back"She said while trying to move my hand to lift up my shirt

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