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1 month later...

My back and ribs healed I can walk without a cane finally me and Rikiya went to therapy it helped with the paranoia but I still carry my piece everywhere I go and in 2 weeks JoDeCi will be shooting a video and Rikiya gets to come with me.

Today JoDeCi is doing Docugroove while we're in the recording studio.

"Hey ya this is DeVante and you shouldn't believe everything the media says except for the part that I got robbed cuz I really did get robbed"I said while looking at the camera then everybody started laughing

Then I started working on the sound board and K-Ci went into the booth to put down his vocals then JoJo went in then it was my turn

"Roll da tape roll da tape"I said goofing around in a rosta accent

After putting my vocals down Dalvin went in the sound booth to rap his verse then I went back to the sound board too listen to see if the vocals are right and that Dalvin was rapping on beat

Then I went to grab some ribs from this soul food place and when I left out they wanted to do an interview outside of the recording studio before I went to get some ribs

"So DeVante how did JoDeCi get together?"the interviewer asked

"I wrote a song for my girlfriend and let K-Ci hear it and we wanted to form a group but K-Ci wanted JoJo his little brother to be in it too then K-Ci said why don't I get my little brother Dalvin to also be in it at first I was against it then after a while I decided that Dalvin could be in it and we formed JoDeCi"I said

"So how did you all come up with the name JoDeCi?"The interviewer asked

"We wanted something unique we didn't wanna be called this or that we wanted our names to be in it so Jo stands for JoJo De stands for DeGrate that's me and my brothers last name and Ci stands for K-Ci"I said

"That is very unique"The interviewer said while wrapping it up

After that I hoped in my car and drove to the soul food place picked up my ribs and headed back to the studio where we were still filming Docugroove

I locked my car doors and went back into the studio where the camera was still rolling and went back to the sound board and played the melody I put together to see if it sounded right while eating my ribs

"There goes DeVante eating his ribs"The camera man said while putting the camera on me then I started smiling

After I was done with my ribs we started working on the last song for the album

K-Ci went in the sound booth put down his vocals then JoJo went in with the camera man


I went in the sound booth with the camera man then started singing my verse but I thought I messed it up

"Hey De you want me to do that over I don't think I hit that high note right"I asked DeVante

"Nah it was fine"He said back

Then I covered up the mic playing around

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