Authors Note

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Ok so I've been thinking and we really need to make some more Jodeci Books I mean there is a lot of them but some of the books are completed or have slow updates and I'm not gonna lie I Love me some DeVante Swing!😻 And I would love to see some more books about him because you all have very creative minds and I love the way you all think of ways to make very awesome stories and come up with some good concepts.

So please anyone who's good at making DeVante Swing stories please make some more or update the one that you are working on and I know it might be difficult and you might get writers block but I know you can work your way through it because you all are very brilliant.

I'm trying to work through writers block myself but sometimes ideas just flow through my head and I can come up with a story and I know some people just don't have time to update but I understand completely it ain't no rush I'm just asking whenever that good idea pops up in your head just jot it down or make a new story about it 😘✌🏽️

If you took the time to read this Thank You

Sincerely Rikiya😊

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