Friend Part 2

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I was in the mirror finishing up my hair after I was done I made sure my outfit looked right then walked out of the bathroom into my closet to pick out the shoes I wanted to wear

I decided on wearing my custom made matte black 11's I didn't plan on looking fancy since I'm just going to lunch with Dino.


Today Rikiya is going to lunch wit Dino I'm cool wit it cuz I trust her

I went upstairs to our room and Rikiya was putting on her shoes about to leave out.


"Hey baby I'm bout to leave"I said while grabbing De's face and kissing him

"Ight I'll see you when you get back"He said then smacked my ass causing me to giggle

After that I grabbed my keys and left out the front door then got into my car and drove to the restaurant

When I got their I walked in and told the reserver my name then she led me to my table and I saw Dino.

"Heyy"I said while hugging him

"It's good to see you"He said in his deep southern accent

"You too, so how have you been"I said

"I have been good you know H-Town song Knockin Boots hit #1 on the R&B charts"He said

"That's great I'm happy for ya'll"I said

Then our server came over to our table to take our orders we ordered our drinks and food then the server walked off and we continued with our conversation

"So how has college been treating?"He asked

"Well it isn't easy I always have tons of work and a lot of studying to do, but it's worth the while so that I can pursue my career"I said

"Thats good you should always have that type of mind set"He said

"I try, but enough about me what's going on wit you?"I asked

"Well I have a girlfriend now and I really think that's she the one"He said

"Awwww that's so cute somebody's in love!"I said teasingly while pinching his cheek

"Welp I guess I am"He said while laughing

Then the server brought out our food and we ate and continued to have a good time after we were done I pulled out my wallet to pay for my half of the bill

"What are you doing?"He asked

"Paying for my half of the bill"I said nonchalantly

"You know you don't have to do that I don't mind paying for the bill it's what a man is suppose to do"He said while paying for the whole bill and leaving a tip

Then we walked out of the restaurant towards our cars

"Thanks for treating me to lunch"I said

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