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I woke up at 10am I looked to my side and DeVante was not in bed. I got up went to the bathroom did my hygiene stuff and went downstairs went in the kitchen and got a bowl of lucky charms then went into the living room and sat on the couch and turned on Tom and Jerry.

I heard the front door open

"Rikiya where you at?"

"I'm on the couch"

Wassup "kisses her cheek"me and the boys are going out tonight to this new club.

Ight I'm staying home I don't feel like going out tonight I'm going to invite the girls over.

Cool I'm gonna go and get my outfit for tonight cuz ya now ya boy always gotta look fly"smirks"

Yea yea whateva "rolls her eyes"

"If you keep doin that your eyes are gonna get stuck"

"Does it look like I care boy if you don't go and get dress"

"Ight Ight if you need me I'll be upstairs"

DeVante goes to there room to get ready for tonight and Rikiya jus flips through channels while talking on the phone with Aaliyah and telling her that her and TLC should come over along with Rikiya's best friend KaDaesha when Rikiya gets off the phone with Aaliyah she calls KaDaesha.

Phone Convo with KaDaesha:

R:Hey girl u cool wit coming over tonight.

K:Yea I don't mind coming over who gonna be there.

R:Aaliyah and TLC but I was asking cuz Tionne is goin to be here and you know her and Dalvin used to have a thing goin on I jus wanted to make sure that you would be cool around her.

K:Yea I'm cool me and her had talked at the party she knows about me and Dalvin and she not tripping cuz her and Dalvin had decided to jus be friends.

R:Oh ight I'll see ya later one.
End of phone Convo.

Later at 8pm DeVante was getting ready to leave out.

Ah De what time you gonna be back.

Idk it's gonna be late but you don't gotta wait up for me.

Ight have a good time but not to much fun"says in a serious voice"

"I know I'm goin to be coolin wit the fellas you know drinkin and talkin that's all.

"That better be all cuz I know how K-Ci get down that nigga be wildin.

"I hear you but you ain't got nothin to worry about Ight I'm out love you see you when I get back"

"They kiss"

DeVante Leaves out the door and Rikiya calls her homegirls so they can be on there way.

20mins Later
"Door bell rings"

Rikiya gets off the couch to see who's at the door.

Who is it?


Rikiya looks through the peep hole and see's all of them standing there then she opens the door she lets them in and they all walk over to the living room.

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